Without the energy of love, intimacy cannot happen. Allowing the sessions to move into a space of trust, respect, kindness, and presence allows the love to flow; and in essence the intimacy can be built on from here. Without love, intimacy cannot exist. Without love, intimacy is false, and based on control or fear. The only way to move energy and connect with another human being and oneself is through kindness and the presence of love.
Many people try to rush intimacy or expect it to happen without moving their own energy, or the energy of their beloved. Intimacy cannot happen on its’ own. It must be built upon, the energy must be cleared and connected, and calm kindness must be present with acceptance, stillness, and an open heart.
Many people have desires for gratification. They want pleasure and to be stimulated. However, gratification, pleasure and stimulation cannot happen just by itself. Gratification, pleasure and stimulation cannot happen without making an effort to work on the energy it takes to create the love that’s underneath the desire and pleasure. There is no quick fix. There is no instant satisfaction. Love cannot happen without putting your heart into it.
All sessions are based on love and true presence. If you want a quick fix, or are just looking for sex, and cannot see the value of presence, then I am not the right practitioner for you.
I am Asttarte. You may experience feelings and emotions that are uncomfortable for you. When you are in my presence there may come an experience where you feel emotions that make you feel uncomfortable and you are not familiar with, or you do not know how to handle. As you spend time with me, I become your mirror. I may mirror different issues within you that come to the surface because they need to be released and healed. I am not here to judge you or criticize you. I will accept your feelings unconditionally. If I notice any anger, frustration, irritation, control, resistance, or sadness then I may suggest for you to do some deeper breathing to help you move into these areas. I may also suggest for you to do some emotional clearing with me. If you are not able to feel comfortable in following my guidance, and do not allow yourself to go into these feelings, then you may not experience the session to its full capacity, or walk out confused and possibly dissatisfied.
I am an empath and sometimes feel feelings you are experiencing, as this is one of my many ways to help you. I use this gift as my guidance to support you in taking your journey to the next level.
My biggest wish for you is that you allow yourself to be vulnerable with me, so that I can help you in the best way possible. My sessions are based on love, and this love may be all you need to experience true bliss within. I am a guide and a support, and I will always do my best to support you and help you in any way I can.