
Blog is about writings for Asttarte's personal experiences in her ongoing journey and personal development, new exciting happenings, inspirational writings from Sessions or things that happen in every day life, encouragement, motivation, life lessons, Life as a Tantrica, Professional Relationship & Life Coaching, insights into other's or my own life, passionate pleasures, ways of igniting your sexual and intimate life, Tantra Education, and Healing, Fun and Sexy Writings!

Who I am is a Relationship & Bliss Coach, a Tantra Teacher, a Transformational Healer, a Holistic Healer, a Massage Practitioner, a Life Coach, a Spiritual Guide, a Goddess, a Priestess, a New Age Practitioner, a Wellness Practitioner, an Energy Healer, an Intuitive, a Spiritual Healer, a Yoga Teacher, an Acupressurist, someone to talk to, receive Counsel, Guidance, Support, Nurturing & Healing.
I am not a licensed Psychotherapist, however, most of my training has been geared towards the development and training of Psychotherapy. My Yoga Training has been all catered towards transforming the dense emotions in the body. I have studied extensively flower essences, which is a great catalyst to Psychotherapy and my Bodymind Acupressure training was targeted on releasing stored blockages, repressed feelings and armoring from past events and emotions stored in the body. All of my Energy Healing Training was about releasing deep feelings, old wounds, sadness, trauma and past events that get caught in the cellular memory and energy body from past lives, years ago and recent situations. My Tantra Training has been specifically about getting in touch with the feelings of the present, that of which are patterning from events of the past, that are keeping you from being in the present moment. I do not consider myself a Psychotherapist, however, it is a large part of who I am.
Who I am not is an Erotic Entertainer, an Escort, your Girlfriend, or a Sexual Substitute. If you are looking for an erotic experience solely, you will find your goals better suited with another.
My Coaching Sessions are about getting in touch with your present concerns, issues, behaviors, body mechanics and energy that are keeping you from experiencing the life you desire; that of which have to deal with your love life, your sex life, your career, your family relationships and the relationship to yourself. 
I am here to support you in what it is that's important to you!

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