After coming home from the Divine Goddess Ma named Amritanandamayi Ma; in other words, Amma, I am glowing in love, appreciation and bliss for the heavenly divine experience. I realize that my efforts as a Radiant Shakti Goddess go much deeper than the mere presence of Sexual Healing, or Loving Healing energy, but my desire for love is great, and deeper than words can say.
I have spent the past 8 months being single, and living out the life of healing from grief of my Beloved walking his own path, and coming to the final place of acceptance, forgiveness and eventually an amazing friendship that reunited after having done my work on myself in allowing him to be in the place he needed to be on his journey - - letting him go the way he needed by releasing the pain at first, coming to acceptance, then forgiving him, and then ultimately creating an awesome relationship as his ex-girlfriend to a new place we are now in.
I had invited him with me and our son to see Amma, the saint from India, who heals people by hugging them. I brought my younger brother along as well. I had done a prayer two weeks ago, shortly before the Amma experience in DC, and I was in a place of the unknown, however, acceptance and love in my heart. I had been patient in allowing him his space, offering kindness as much as possible, and kept my heart open to whatever would occur. Through this, his love returned. We saw Amma as a family, and received Darshan as a family unit when we first arrived, then the next day individually, however, Sach going back and forth between the two of us, and then as a family again in the end. We received a compatibility reading to see if we were meant to be friends or eventually unite in marriage at some point in the future. The reading showed definite compatibility and hope.
I had been dating others and keeping myself open, as he knows this is my desire to continue doing so to stay juicy and vibrant, however, I realized through this trip the reason for his parting back in November and now with my understanding, I can love him and support him so much more.
Two books I was reading during our separation were:
how to improve your marriage without talking about it
How One of You Can Bring the Two of You Together.
I highly recommend these two books, especially if any of you are not connecting to your wives or husbands at the level you truly desire, these books I am putting as the top on my list, and as much as all of the tantra books are exceptional and up there, these two so far are my absolute favorites. I have living proof of their results!
Blessings to all and so much love!