To all those guys who have come to me for prostate issues, frequent urinary issues and inflammation of the bladder or prostate, this one is for you!
I was walking through the Health Food Store tonight and turned my head towards the shelf that had this tiny little bottle just staring at me with tantalizing eyes! I had been passing by this bottle for eons and decided to ask the knowledgeable nutrition clerk for some answers!
To my discovery, Nettle is a potent ancient herb for medicinal usage, for hay fever, allergies and to reduce inflammation of the prostate.
"Nettle is known for its ability to relieve symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), a condition in which the prostate becomes enlarged and causes men to develop problems with urination. Nettle helps men to urinate more successfully during the day, and thus helps eliminate another annoying symptom of BPH—frequent nighttime urination. Nettle keeps the body from converting testosterone into 5-alpha-reductase, an enzyme that causes the prostate gland to begin growing again in middle age. Taking nettle in combination with either pygeum bark extract or saw palmetto may be to be at least as effective against BPH as the prescription drug finasteride. Commission E also approves the use of nettle to treat BPH." ( source: http://www.vitaminstuff.com/herbs-nettle.html)
You can also try eating lots of tomatoes! This is also known for reducing inflammation of the prostate as well!
I also give a nice prostate massage to your Tantra Session, as requested! A prostate Massage is good for Healing AND for pleasure!
To your prostate health, and your vitality!
Love, Asttarte