Saturday, July 12, 2008

New Website Under Construction - Integrating all forms of healing, resources, creative pursuits onto one website - AND more organized for Tantra.

Some new changes are in the works. I'm building a website that I will eventually be switching over as my primary website. My work will stay the same, however, the contents of the information will incorporate all Spiritual forms of healing that go along with the Tantric Arts I offer. I am doing this for professional reasons. All of you who are true regular clients, understand the power behind my work and how much it has helped you. I will not be changing my work. Everything will be the same. I will just be changing the advertising and the way I market it; in order to draw more people in from many walks of life, and to maintain the Sacredness of the Sensual nature, as well as the spiritual.

There can be risks with advertising explicitly Sexual work, and to keep my work professional and confidential, I am choosing to build my own website, something bigger and better than I've ever had before.

This blog will eventually change to a real blog of writing about Sexual Healing, processes, new developments, exciting things happening, workshops I take, pictures I want to share, etc.

I hope to send everyone a newsletter, or email with the new information. For anyone who wants to be added to my list of people on a newsletter, please write to me at I also may change the url name of this website, so all the names match together, but that decision has not yet been made. I will keep this blog so that when you check back to it, you will see where to be directed to once the site is complete. If you want to be sure to find me, please keep my email and phone number.

Asttarte Deva Yoga and Center for Intimacy and Life EnhancementIntegrating all forms of spiritual healing, tantra healing, resources, spiritual products, yoga, and creative pursuits onto one website.

Until these changes are official, please continue to contact me via

Also, see my Sensual Store at

With love and Gratitude to all of you,