As some of you know, I've been getting back into my love for crystals since I was a child. I've been collecting new crystals for my alter, my own healing and for clients. And I placed an order for a few necklaces from Singapore, with one beautiful light blue mala as a gift. And the woman who was selling these had asked me out of the blue if I would know anyone who would like a few charms from another culture with a foreign language on it, and a Temple I had never heard of. I had accepted and said if I couldn't use them, that I knew friends who could. Well, the package arrived today (after about 3 weeks since this conversation and order). I ended up opening the gift package first, and what came out of the bag blew my eyes wide open. As a Tantra Practitioner, I like surprises and can certainly handle them, and today I was a little stunned and am still laughing about it. I pulled out of the neatly packaged bag with bows and tissue paper, a set of 7 or 8 tiny little ligham charms, or in English, little tiny charms that look like penises. They are a brass or other metal with little inscriptions on the sides, and from some high energy Temple I don't know where, but I'll certainly do some research to find out. The next surprise were these large wooden size lingham's (penises) nicely packaged in a sealed plastic bag, to use for beading or other such crafting. And 2 Phra Rahu Dragon Charms.

I suppose this woman did not know the depths of my Tantric Practice, but these little gifts from the universe are a perfect metaphor and symbol that I am doing the work I am supposed to be doing, and a nice little boost to the kundalini sexual energy as well!
Rahu is the Dark Goddess in Buddhism, like Kali is to Hindu's. In Jyotish Astrology there is the Rahu and Ketu period one must overcome in each person's lifetime. Coming to the end of this period is a celebration, as this is something I myself am doing right now, but while going through it, it does take a LONG time, and honoring the darkness of life, and surrendering to those who help support it, is an act many Budddhists and Hindu's understand as a natural part of life.
Here is one similar to the metal lingham that look like the ones I have. You'll have to wait until you come visit with me again to get a closer look! It fits perfectly with my Kali, Ganesh and Tree of Life Charm necklace!
Thank you Universe!
Here are some links reflective of the beads and gifts:
Add No not professionally done; reminds me that is something important to do soon! |
Namaste Beloveds!