For further details from my site
*The following is adult content ONLY!*
Each type of session/exercise or practice can be performed as one session solely, or several can be combined in one treatment session. We can decide together what of these practices to choose - based on your goals or intentions from the list above, or I can use my intuition to choose how the session will go.
Descriptions of Sessions, Exercises and Tantra Practices below:
Tantra Yoga Practices; tantra movement exercises, meditations & breathwork:
Tantra Yoga Practices
Practices of Tantra Yoga include over 30 exercises of expanding awareness, awakening bliss in the body, moving the energy in the chakras, full body movement exercises and breathing exercises. We will move into any of the exercises available to us and create a sacred session fill with expansion and love! This can be done standing or sitting.
Tantra Meditations
Tantra Meditations are done seated, working with the breath, the kundalini energy, the kegels/root lock and powerful visualizations. There are over 100 Tantra Meditations and each can be used to prepare the client to receive a powerful healing session.
Tantra Breathwork.
Tantra Breathwork is almost the same as the Meditations, however, this can include meditations as well as more physical movement. This can be done standing or sitting. Most often, this practice is done laying down on the back, with the knees up and feet planted on the floor. The main intention of the breathwork is to release energy blocks in the aura, and emotional blocks in the body. Tantra Breathwork creates deep awakenings, insights and emotional transformations to manifest and create changes that help uplift the spirits, bring enlightenment to oneself and ones personal relationships. This is an excellent substitute to Energy & Movement Psychotherapy and can be a powerful catalyst to therapy, a way of taking personal responsibility for one's process in and out of a relationship, and a way of creating harmony in your personal and love life!
Tantra Shamanic Breathwork
see Tantra Breathwork!
Tantra Eye Gazing
A popular practice often overlooked - Tantra eye gazing drops layers upon layers of walls of energy stored around your own aura, and if given the proper focus and time, can allow deep healing, deep sacred and intimate connection to occur, and powerful blocks to be removed while speaking your truth of who you are and communcating this to the one(s) you love! This practice is often done before anything else. It creates a safe container of connection, trust and intimacy to be built, and without this nothing else can be done!
Yabyum exercises for intimate connection & healing Tantra Massage
Yabyum is another sanskrit word for connection with the Beloved. you will often see statues of Shiva and Shakti or Radha and Krishna sitting in the position. It is where the man sits in the lotus (or indian style) position, and the female sites upon his lap. The man lays his arms around the females lower back, and the female lays her hands on his upper back. The position is done with the Tantric kiss (forehead to forehead), connection and clearing the chakras, the breathing of the kundalini energy, chanting the mantras of the chakras, and awakening the kundalini to connect to the beloved!
Kundalini Fire Breath
Kundalini Fire Breath is a practice done solo. It can be done sitting in any position, and in Kundalini Yoga is often done during intense yoga asana postures. In Tantra Yoga, this is usually done in the lotus position; while sitting still. The Kundalini Fire Breath creates harmony between the yin and yang, or masuline and feminine sides of the body and harmonizes the energy within you and around you. It creates a feeling of stillness and peace all over and other words for this are called Bliss! The feeling is mesmerizing!
Sensual Massage
Sensual Massage is a Healing Massage used to create connection, let go of barriers, and open up to the awareness of feeling touched and heighten sensitivity to touch, and allow for feelings of euphoria and bliss overall. Other practices of tantra are often done to prepare for this session, and allowing at least 1 hour minimum for the remainder of the session to be done on Sensual Massage will give the feeling one deeply desires and deserves! Other practices are often done within the massage to heighten the overall experience.
Sacred Spot Massage
Sacred Spot is another word for the prostate for men. This practice can be added to a Sensual Massage for heightened pleasure, or can be done solo as a Spiritual and Healing Session. When done solo, it can be a very powerful healing tool for releasing blocked emotions within the body, and when this is requested, please be prepared to drink a lot of water and have plenty of rest after the session is over.
Sacred Yoni Healing
This practice is offered for women. Yoni is a sanskrit word for the female sexual area and when offered by the Dakini this is done for healing of deep seated trauma, awakening blockages in the body, expanding orgasm, and offering loving compassion and gentle support for the woman. Sacred Yoni Healing can create a feeling of upliftment and empowerment in the body, and expand the Goddesses awareness to all that surrounds her. This healing exercise is offered with presence and loving acceptance from the Dakini.
Goddess Worship
This is where the Practitioner allows the receiver to give to the Practitioner in a form that would allow them pleasure from having a lack of giving in their personal life. It is a time to let down walls and guards in regards to intimacy, however, the practitioner may still have certain boundaries within this dynamic and also offer suggestions or teaching in how this can be done. Goddess Worship can include physical intimate touch, massage techniques, and energy techniques.
Sacred Lingham Healing
Lingham is an indian sanskrit word for the male sacred area. Another word for Lingham is wand of light! And, in Tantra and Sacred Intimacy, the lingham is viewed as a wand of light always, even when one does not realize this potential within him. In tantra, the lingham is a tool for awakening the kundalini and can be used to expand consciousness within himself and his beloved female partner. The male must practice the art of tantra for this sacred connection and ability of healing himself and his female partner to be created, however, with the tools and practice, this can be achieved. The Sacred Lingham Healing is performed by the Dakini, to help remind the God/Shiva/man of his own divinity and power within him, to feel nurtured, received, accepted and loved for who he is. He may learn practices to contain his energy and hold his power to expand his orgasm for longer lasting love.
Sacred Bath Ritual
The Sacred Bath Ritual is a practice to create a feeling of unconditional love, acceptance and feeling honored as a man or woman in the world. It almost gives a feeling of nurturing as an infant or child would feel, and the mothering energy offered can almost be transformed into a feeling of deep and unconditional acceptance from the receiver. This practice is often done to prepare for a Sensual Massage or Sacred Intimacy. It also may be done to help someone repressed to reawaken desires and passions stored within them, and to relive a fanasy or create a fantasy never experienced before. The Sacred Bath creates feelings of peace and relaxation, an opportunity to be in the unknown, and to surrender to the stresses of every day life!
Sacred Foot Massage
Sacred Foot Massage is one of my favorite practices to offer for clients. The feeling of the warmth of the water and the bubbles trickles up ones entire legs and allows the body to melt away all feelings of tension and stress. This gives me an opportunity to share my loving gifts of intuition to offer energy healing, and sensual touch.The Sacred Foot Massage often leads into many other wonderful energies and creates a beautiful beginning of an amazing session.
Pleasuring Your Partner
This Session is often done in a Couples Session, where I as the Dakini, assist you and your partner to the feelings of eroticism and tantric love. This can be done as a fuly erotic session, or a gentle session of love and intimacy filled with breath, eyegazing, gentle loving touch and massage. When a client comes to see me alone, this is often replaced with a Goddess Worship Session.
Tantric Touch Full Body to Body Sensual Massage
This Session is a full healing and full body session where all walls, barriers, and blocks are let go, and no guards are keeping the session to move into a space of sacred love. Both parties must be fully comfortable and aware of intentions, and nothing will be performed without consent and without agreement. All sessions are done with loving acceptance, unconditional love, and honoring the God and Goddess in each other.
Intimacy TherapyIntimacy Therapy is a very intimate form of therapy and healing, and when one requests this as a session, they must be willing to be authentic to their own feelings within them self and allow them self to become vulnerable with their Practitioner. Often times, a client will need to come to the Practitioner for weeks or months before they are ready to allow themselves to trust the Practitioner they are seeing; unless they are already on a deep spiritual path and know within themselves that they are ready. Prior to Intimacy Therapy, the client will go through a few practices of Tantra Yoga and sometimes Sexual Healing before opening up to the Intimacy Therapy. However, in few cases, the client requesting the session will know exactly what they are wanting to address and heal and Intimacy Therapy can be performed immediately.
Intimacy Therapy can include other techniques from this list including:
Tantra Eye Gazing
Yabyum exercises for intimate connection & healing Tantra Massage
Pleasuring Your Partner
Tantric Touch Full Body to Body Sensual Massage
Sexual Healing
Sexual Healing encompasses practices of Tantra Yoga, however, with a Practitioner giving a Healing Service with the reciever lying down, or standing upright. Sexual Healing is not a series of learning exercises to practice as much as it is a practice to move energies to help you heal blocks of pain, numbness, anger, sadness or any other emotion that is in your way. Sexual Healing is a way of receiving the nurturing you need in specific areas of your body. It can include eye contact while you lie on the floor, energy healing or reiki anywhere on the body, massage techniques, and guidance on moving your energy.
Sexual Healing can include other techniques from this list including:Pleasuring Your PartnerTantra Meditations
Tantra Breathwork
Sensual Massage
Sacred Spot Massage
Sacred Yoni Healing
Sacred Lingham Healing
Sacred Bath Ritual
Sacred Foot Massage
One on one talk time, in other words, Counseling, Spiritual Guidance, and Meditative calming breathing is always a pre-requisite for all sessions before moving into any of the tantra practices mentioned above.