***What to do before a Session!!!***
There are several things you can do to prepare yourself before a session.
First there is preparing the mind:
You could start with educating yourself on several subjects.

The Mastery of Love, by; Don Miguel Ruiz
The Awakening of Kundalini, by: Gopi Krishna
Tantra; the Art of Conscious Loving, by: Charles & Caroline Muir
Jewel in the Lotus; The Sexual Path to Higher Consciousness, by: Sunyata Saraswati & Bodhi Avinasha
Second there is preparing the body:
- You could go and get a regular massage at a salon or any practitioner of your choice. (or you could get an extended session with me and choose any massage techniques I offer at http://asttartedeva.com/#/massage-therapy/4551711308)
- Take a yoga class; any you are drawn to, vinyasa yoga, ashthanga yoga, bikram yoga, yin yoga, hatha yoga, kripalu yoga, iyengar yoga, power yoga, classic yoga, any yoga for beginners, athletes, or anything that inspires you. (I am also happy to offer you a private 1 hr yoga class before our session)
- Take a tantra workshop in NY, NJ or join the beginnings of the tantra community here in Philadelphia for training you into the practices of tantra. These will be announced and are by invitation only. (check out my friends at templeoflove.info. Pamela is only in Frenchtown, NJ and Anita is offering classes in NJ or here in philly with me.)
- Receive a breathwork session in rebirthing with Irene at returntocenter.net, the Philadelphia Rebirthing Center or a referral through Dhyana-Yoga.com, yogaonmain.com or several others I know. You are welcome to ask me.
- See also the links page at my temple site templeoflove.info
And, third there is preparing the spirit:
- A regular routine of a meditation on the breath, the chakras, the energy field or cleansing the mind or spirit would be an excellent practice to do before a session. I will add a post on a chakra meditation to this blog or my main site (I may choose to make my AwakenToLiving blog a 10 page site, instead of 5 and add this post plus expand it as a separate page on my site since it is very needed in Philadelphia. Many dive into tantra without knowing how to prepare or knowing that it is necessary to have a full experience). Any of the practices here will also prepare you.
You are also welcome to join my huggingpower.com classes as they are now in the birthing process and will continue getting stronger throughout the year. Locations will be announced soon.