Thursday, February 25, 2010

New Philadelphia Meetup Group

Check out the new meetup group for Philadelphia: Temple of Love Philadelphia!
You will find this same description at the site. Feel free to join if you want to be a part of and notified of groups, gatherings and events!
Temple of Love Philadelphia
The next Gathering will be on Thursday evening, March 25th!

I started this group to bring together those on the path who want to go deeper, those new to find a place to learn, and those eager for community to have a place to feel love, experience healing and be nurtured in bliss!
The purpose of the group is to help the city of Philadelphia open their hearts, their minds and nurture their soul!
People who are desiring a deeper meaning in life, a feeling of connection and a system of support should join.
Philadelphia has been untapped. There are many places around the world offering Tantra and Philadelphia has been left behind. I have been trained by mentors, gurus and teachers all throughout the world for over 14 years, but my home base is here in Philadelphia. It is time for me to share my rich knowledge of healing and love.
We will explore basic practices of healing up to extremely advanced practices of healing. Each Meetup we will cover something different. Some examples are: Reiki Shares, Reiki Initiation classes, Self Healing Practices, Empowerment For Women, Yin Yoga for Beginners, Yin Yoga for women & Mothers, Massage Gathering, Tantra Study Group, Emotional & Stress Release Techniques, Ascension Meditation Gathering (Raising Your Vibration Gathering), Kundalini Awakening Meditation, Spiritual Play Group (for parents and children), Tantra Dance & more!
You may find my personal website at and the Philadelphia Temple Practitioner site at

See also my Hugging Power Classes at

All events will also be posted at but if you want to stay in touch and be sure to get the updates you need, joining my email list on the main page of the blog under Email signup! 

Much Much Love to you!

Hugging Power Class went amazing!!!

“ This was a fantastic event! Everyone communicated with me about getting there. Bill and I picked everyone up
due to the snow on his street & communication was excellent and
they were all at the location waiting for us. When we arrived together,
everyone helped with setting up the blankets, & moving things
around to make space in the room.

We all joined together in love, harmony & powerful intentions. We
welcomed ourselves in a circle, and spoke of our intentions, what we were working on in ourselves presently and what we wanted to get out of the group.

We did an amazing energy orgasm meditation & moved into grounding our energies, and then talked about the experience afterwards and what everyone got out of it.
The meditation itself would have sufficed for everyone's satisfaction, but then we moved into
a circle again to do eye gazing and connection with everyone in the
room, and again spoke about the experience when we were complete.

Then I guided everyone to partner up with each person in the room to do a healing embraced hug for healing and
everyone got a chance to give each other a hug. Women to women, women
to men, & men to men. It was a powerful experience for the men in
hugging their brothers and feeling a spiritual non-sexual connection with other men
& being nurtured by the women, & for
women to give and receive. It was awesome! ”

My intention is to have more women at the event next time and for the group to be more balanced. It's time to find some open minded women and help women let down their guards!

See meetup group expanded from:

Classes and meetups will also be announced regularly at:

