Friday, November 27, 2009

Kundalini Awakening

During the process of

New Requirements for Sessions from my Tantra Coaching site

If you said no to any of these, you will either be required to seek spiritual growth with another practitioner, a good psychotherapist, or if you are willing and able to see me as a Healer, then allow me to help you prepare yourself with a series of specific healing sessions on my other spiritual and non-tantra (or white tantra) site or the advanced breathing practices on this site.

The practices on this site will get your mind, heart, spirit & soul ready to be open to a full body bliss experience, and in time when spirit guides me to do deeper work with you, we will be guided together in our session.

A quote I like from an email I wrote explaining this:
Teaching people who are just starting their path of spirituality and tantra the basics, so they don't hit their head on the wall and fall down before they have a chance to start to climb!"

A friend of mine explained it like this:
"If you feed a man he's full for a day. If you teach him to fish, he's full for life!"

The Sessions on this site are for those who are advanced on their spiritual path. If you have absolutely no spiritual healing experience, with my guidance, together, we will get you started on your spiritual journey.
We will spend some time in training and healing yourself in spiritual practices for a serious length of time to help open you up energetically, spiritually, emotionally and physically. I am an Advanced Healer, and together with your commitment and desire, we will help you evolve! These Sessions are for Advanced Students of Spirituality. If you have not started a spiritual journey but want to work with me, then starting a journey or being willing to is your direct solution to achieve the desire you want!

See the page Awaken To Bliss at