Remembering Presence
During the moments of quiet within each breath and the whispers of every second, remaining still becomes presence, and holding space is all that is. As I sit and hold space for my clients, I remember how tranquil and beautiful it feels to be still and present. And in time in sessions this beauty and presence feels like it could last for eternity. Being present is a meditation and a joy to achieve, and although it sounds simple to attain, for many it can be very difficult. And so this is where tantra practice comes in to achieve this balance and doing this with another allows the attainment that much easier. Offering the sessions to another allows the mirror to be reflected; the love you put out comes back to you, the peace you put out comes back to you, and the presence you put out comes back you. Anything you give is received and offered back as love. And so in being still, we create this miracle together.
It has been a couple months since I’ve offered sessions from after the birth of my beautiful baby. As I return to my practice and the sacred art of healing, by giving of service through sessions, I return to what I love and remember the beauty of being still. As I give to others, I also receive and in teaching meditation and love to others, I also reach the still place of meditation and love in my own self. This gift of giving can be a miracle; not only the miracle of healing to others, but also the miracle of healing oneself.
I only know the depth and immensity of what healing can do for others by how deep it has impacted my own life. My own testimony to how much I have transformed from all healing paths that I have been trained, received healing, and have had experience in some way is the only way that I know how intensely powerful they all are. However, you must be truly willing to delve deep inside in order to come out of your own shell like the butterfly blossoms from its cocoon.
As we become still in moments that feel challenging to slow down our body, and slow down our mind, this is when we can truly transform and open our hearts to a more serene place of love. And in being present to others we are also present to ourselves. And, in Tantra, this is healing in a universal way; helping the self and helping the other as the circle of energy makes its way around; from you into them, from them into you and continues this cycle again and again until you choose to end the practice. The energy cycles and circulates from one to another and presence remains while love grows stronger and healing blossoms from within. There is nothing more beautiful and miraculous than this. Slowing down is the biggest key to healing; whether it is tantric healing or any other form; practicing presence is all you need.