Daka-Dakini / Sacred Sexual Healers Conference Fall 2009, Catskills Mountain, NY
Welcome to my world of Tantra!!!!!!!!!
I am now home from the insanely awesome and beautiful Tantra Conference
Dakinis/ Sacred Sexual Healers. This event is like getting a Tantra Session one after the next and after the next back to back for three days in a row!!!! It is quite extraordin
Reid (Famous Sex Educator), Betty Dodson (sexual pioneer), Carlin Ross, & Barbara Carellas w/Urban Tantra, all opening their new dildos and gifts for presenting!
I got to be held and loved over and over, cuddled, embraced, honored, respected, and valued not only as a woman, but as a Goddess! 5 people from the community all turned to me and said, "your pictures DO NOT do you justice. You are gorgeous! You have got to get new photos. And, I guess I didn't put a whole lot of emphasis on this, so one of my next projects is to seriously get new photos. I am totally different than I was before having a baby, and in my opinion, have never looked better. I grew up feeling inadequate, insecure, and ugly, and as I grow more and more into myself as a woman, am seeing that my beauty gets stronger as the years go by. Some people are good looking when they are young, and some grow into their beauty as they age. I suppose, I am the second version. I almost gasped, but someone, a Goddess who is in this field as I am, said I looked like Cindy Crawford, so I guess it is time to get the acknowledgment I need and deserve, by getting new photos and finding new lovers to meet me in my love and come back to give you all the healing you deeply long for and desire! This is the photo I felt I could relate to in similarity. but you all would have to be the judge for that.

That's me in the middle with my little one on the left and sweet Goddess friend on the right. (no makeup and just a random photo).