Tantra for Your Whole Life; Removing what is in the way of experiencing joy, pleasure, peace and love!
Tuesday, April 01, 2014
Blessings Beloveds
Hello all,
I've truly missed everyone who I have seen in the past and would SO love to meet with you again! I am still doing my work and would love to let EVERYONE know that I've merged everything over. Have an awesome, deliciously rich and fabulous day!!!! come visit me. I still would love to see you!
Monday, March 17, 2014
Moving All Sites to True Tantra
As many of you know, I have a vision to turn a lot of blogs into books, and this blog has been dwindled away. However, I wanted to let anyone who may come across this post know that I am merging all my blogs from all other blog urls' as well as all my sites into one site.
It's been an interesting three years since the beginning of my health crisis, to realizing I needed to move, to getting back with my son's father, to then separating again, and to then completely changing the way I did my sessions and merging a more professional practice to offer those who truly want to do their personal work! There's a fine distinction between working with those who don't want any tantra and solely doing emotional and spiritual healing to those who want intense red tantra and only have a sexual experience. I am not defining how I'm doing my sessions to the pubic as I had, however, each person has their own story and their own needs and we will discover together what they are and how we can best serve those needs to get them met. For those who find me here, I'll meet you on the other side!
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Your Partners (Sexual) Needs vs Yours

Monday, January 13, 2014
Friday, May 24, 2013
Friday, May 10, 2013
The Power of Being in Integrity
What does the word Integrity mean to you? Think about it. Integrity. In regards to what? Your work, your career, your relationship, your family, your home, your environment, etc. Being in integrity means honoring your word, doing what you say and saying what you mean, doing what feels right, joyful and peaceful to your entire "self", completing the past where integrity was out, resolving issues within that are causing the self to lack integrity from inside yourself. Doing, having and being all that you want to be and having it all line up perfectly.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Published Writings - to my Regular Readers
Saturday, March 09, 2013
Saturday, December 01, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Thanksgiving Gratitude Discount and MORE!!!
Today is a special day; a special time, where we celebrate our appreciation and gratitude for our loved ones, our friends and those who have been there all along!
I want to take today as an opportunity to thank all of you who have been devoted to me; my loyal aspirants, and seekers on the path, and those who ravish in the idea of tantric glory! I am grateful to those who are open; open to receiving and open to giving, and those who follow through on their word.
As we prepare time to eat our special turnkeys, (and some to-furkeys), let us marvel in the idea of joy for our fellow man; our co-creators in this life, and celebrate community and friendship.
Tantra Training Program
I am brewing some ideas of creating a Tantra Training Program for old and new clients and offering Certificates to those who join me on the journey of Spiritual Training and Enlightenment. There would be levels of your development and Phases of the Training, and you would receive a Certificate upon your completion. This idea is still in the works, and I will consult with my devotees and partners and let you know the outcome as this potential project develops!
Tantra Crystal Mala Beads
I am in the process of purchasing items for making my very own Tantra Crystal Mala Beads, and once I become comfortable with making a completed piece of jewelry, I will make the announcement, and feel closer to sharing this gift to those who would like specially made crystal jewelry for their personal healing and may turn these pieces into Tantra beads, with tantric charms and crystals for arousing the kundalini, for those who wish to enhance their spiritual development, and create peace within on a daily basis!
Free Weekends
I am NOW free every OTHER weekend for the entire weekend. This is a new schedule for me, and it is opening a door to do potential full day Sessions, or at the least Sessions in the evenings or days on those scheduled weekends, and will also have the ability to re-open a Meetup Group, OR teach Tantra Workshops and Spiritual Workshops with other Teachers on the weekends I have free!
Skype Video Phone Coaching Sessions
The time has come for all of our busy lives, to come to a new way of receiving healing, coaching and training, and video calls are the new wave of the future. The payment process for this feature is still in the works, but the ability to offer Sessions via Skype is available now!
Description will be Announced on my Website!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
A Tantric Gift
I suppose this woman did not know the depths of my Tantric Practice, but these little gifts from the universe are a perfect metaphor and symbol that I am doing the work I am supposed to be doing, and a nice little boost to the kundalini sexual energy as well!
Rahu is the Dark Goddess in Buddhism, like Kali is to Hindu's. In Jyotish Astrology there is the Rahu and Ketu period one must overcome in each person's lifetime. Coming to the end of this period is a celebration, as this is something I myself am doing right now, but while going through it, it does take a LONG time, and honoring the darkness of life, and surrendering to those who help support it, is an act many Budddhists and Hindu's understand as a natural part of life.
Here is one similar to the metal lingham that look like the ones I have. You'll have to wait until you come visit with me again to get a closer look! It fits perfectly with my Kali, Ganesh and Tree of Life Charm necklace!
Thank you Universe!
Here are some links reflective of the beads and gifts:
Add No not professionally done; reminds me that is something important to do soon! |
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Moon in Scorpio - Psychic Tantra - Updates!
We also may wish to seek solitude, being alone to feel all of ourselves; loving ourselves solely in self love practices, or gentle meditation, and going deeper into our art or work and discover solutions to our work's, or life's problems via a deeper psychic ability than normal.
As the moon is in Scorpio, and moving to Sagittarius, I am moving from intense spiritual depth and Sexual energy (although this is always the case), to the more independent leadership like qualities of Sagittarius. I am truly grateful for all the love and support over these past few months and have acquired new Sea Salt lamps; that act like Air Purifiers, and new De-humidifiers to help eradicate the air issues here, and maintain a balance of pure breath and powerful health. What's next to come are Orgone's, as in orgone therapy to raise the vibration even higher and offer another level of healing I have not given before. I also plan to acquire a set of Chakra Flat Stones to give Chakra Healing in our Tantra and Coaching Sessions, and a Chakra Pendulum to help you see with greater understanding the energies I just know need balance, and teach what I know in a more practical way. Not everyone may have my psychic gifts, and only get a hunch, and I now want to truly give you healing that will make a HUGE difference in your life for the long term.
I celebrate you as you have gifted me with YOUR presence for the many years past, and whatever years you choose to join me in the future!
Blessings and Love to ALL!
Wednesday, August 01, 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Why I Love Coconut Oil

Have you ever heard of Coconut Oil as a substitute for erotic lubricant? Why would someone consider this as even a possibility? What are the benefits of using Coconut Oil?
Most people use lubricants such as KY jelly, or other such synthetic made lubricants commonly found at the Drug Store or Grocery Store. However, these stores don't know what the best naturally made products are for someone and usually sell the run of the mill company made or products that can made at a lower such with a higher volume. However, the extra couple dollars for Coconut Oil, has SO many added benefits, I wanted to write a specific post just for this.
What Coconut Oil is to me:
Coconut Oil is an organic natural oil that actually feels like magic when you place it on the body. It is made for cooking, so naturally it is something that is good for the inside of the body. But not only is it good for cooking, but good for your skin and your pleasure! The oils made of Coconuts when found as Organic Extra Virgin feel so unbelievably delicious on the body, you can literally moan with pleasure with the slightest touch just slowly rubbing it on the skin. AND, it smells and tastes delicious. I LOVE putting it on my partner, and then slowly licking it with my tongue. Talk about arousal at its best!
However, Coconut Oil, I feel is best used when giving yourself pleasure. Don't get me wrong, it is ALSO amazing when giving delicately and intimately with someone you care about, so long as you are giving them the ultimate and divine attention. However, when alone, and you want to give yourself love, treat yourself as though you are the perfect lover, and make love to yourself with Coconut Oil. I promise you, you will never have had an experience like this before. It forces you to go inward with its rich aroma, and as this aroma goes into your body it slowly nourishes you from the inside out. It actually is a very powerful healing oil and is used often in India for Healing the body. And, it is an oil commonly found in Tai Food; which I ABSOLUTELY love; a rare treat you don't want to give up when you're in the mood!
First you want to scoop up the oil in the bottle, as it is cold and firm from being in the room temperature. THEN, you want to squeeze it into your hands and let it melt on your fingertips. After it has melted in your hands, then it is the perfect time to rub it on your body. You don't want to wait until it melts too much, because then it will turn like water and will be too liquid. Rub it caressingly and slowly over your belly, your inner thighs and let your body feel the sensation of your skin touching skin. It feels like silk running across your body, and it is such a divine experience! Sometimes the sensation of just rubbing it on the skin without going anywhere too personal is fulfilling enough and you feel as though you are utterly satisfied. Although, there is more to come.
When you are ready to pleasure your body in more depth, don't forget to massage your chest, your arms, your belly, your hips and your pubic bone area. This helps stimulate your senses to help open you up to a richer experience. Then when you are ready to be fully satisfied, remember to move as though your breath is moving you. Don't try to rush or speed up the process; otherwise, you've lost the joy of the pleasure and satisfaction becomes like a 5 minute quicky. Take your time. Massage yourself with this Coconut Oil for 30 minutes or even hours if you like, but you will feel fulfilled and totally in love with the Coconut Oil, and yourself when you are done! And, at this point, you can't tell anyone you don't love yourself, because you have given yourself the gentle time that your body and heart really needed. If your lover isn't around to take care of you, that's ok. This is sometimes better than sex!

The Best Types of Coconut Oil:
Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
The ones best for cooking!
Be sure to read the labels!
If you look closely, it may even say great for massages!
Expeller Pressed is also ok, but Extra Virgin is a little finer and smoother!
I have been using Coconut Oil is my Sessions with clients and myself the past few months and the experiences have been delicious!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Remembering Rama!!!

One of my best friends just recently passed away.
I am still in total shock of his passing. I found out on Thursday, Dec. 15th, in a text message. I was just waiting for him to get out of a rehab center. He was on his way to health, and he was embarrassed to have me see him the way he was, and requested powerfully for me to not visit him. I now wish I didn't listen to him.
We spoke over the phone often throughout his entire journey to recovery and I feel as though the doctors who were treating him didn't really know how to treat him; they were unsure of what his real diagnosis was and he was treated like a guinea pig. I remember talking to him about filing a complaint on food poisoning to the Health Department as this is what triggered the start of the illness. I may want to follow up on this for him.
This is very sad news for all of us who knew him. Who he was for me was someone who truly cared about humanity and people. He was one of the most kind and loving people I've ever known, and some of the kindness that would come out of him would completely blow me away. He honored, respected and appreciated me more than anyone I've ever known. In truth, he adored me and it was a closeness I haven't had in a very long time. We were incredible friends and he looked up to me often to help him in his relationships.He was someone that always had a smile on his face, but deep down he was really sad and lonely.
People appreciated him, respected him and looked up to him as a teacher. He was an incredible musician; a genius, and has been performing all over the world for the past decade. I just found out last night that his father who taught him everything he knew is a legend in music in India and in the United States and his compositions are all around the world. And my dear friend shared that knowledge with everyone he knew.
He performed in a band with David Newman and he would often come home from being on tour and spend some time with me. He would share with me the difficulties he had with his friend David, but my dear friend Rama never once judged him or made him wrong for who he was. He was incredibly loyal and devoted to the people in his life. He is known by many in the Yoga Communities, as well as some of those in Common Ground.
The past year and 1/2 he started teaching music to young children and a few of his students were at the memorial last night. I got to share with them what he meant to me in private and they shared with me what he meant to them. He was deeply loved, and he will be very very missed.
I will be in communication with his family and available to support them in their time of grieving. I know his father is impacted the most, and I feel more sad for him than anyone. Rama was supporting him in his own health and taking care of him. Now his father is at a treatment center and is being cared for by nurses. My heart is open to his whole family, and my heart has been blown open because of this. I will be grieving for perhaps some time as well.
May you all please pray to him. He is still here hanging around on the Earth realms and is easily available in Spirit when called upon. I know he trying to make sense of all of this as well!
I'm sorry to be writing this to you this late. There was a memorial service for him this past Friday, Dec. 16th at Jai Yoga Studio and on Saturday evening at Yoga on Main in Manayunk, PA. I was grieving deeply all weekend, so to those who are just getting this message, please know my heart is with you. If you wish to reach out to me, or want to connect to anyone who was impacted, feel free to let me know!
Much Love, Asttarte
Teardrop Blues by Cattie
Sharing of Rama Bala on facebook!
It's been so many years that I've had someone this close to me die in my life; not since I was a young child. And, for one thing I am grateful in this moment is the opening he has brought to me in my heart. He is reminding me of the love I have for those I have closed my heart to, or have lost touch with for some time. I am forever grateful and look forward to connecting to you on the Astral Realm Rama! Rama Rama Bolo Jai Jai Sita Rama Bolo! Sri Ram, Jai Ram, Sri Krishna Govinda Hare......Hare Rama. Hare Rama. Sri Rama. Jai Rama. My Beloved Rama! Ommmmmm Love to you!!! (imagine music lyrics to this as you read).
Please celebrate this amazing beings life with me! He passed recently, from food poisoning! Please take this as a reminder of what we put in our bodies, and how important it is to use caution when putting food in the body. This is a time of deep grief right now. Please pray for Rama, his family, friends and myself and that we accept this loss easily and with love! I love you all and am thinking of you!
I will forever remember him during the Christmas and Hanukkah Season!
Much Love, Asttarte
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
Protecting Your Sexy
You know the sayings, "Sexy is as sexy does~" and "You are who you hang around!"
Well, what do you do when all of the people you hang around or the person you sleep with (or are in a relationship with for that matter) is not letting you be your sexy and is holding you down?
How long do you let the people in your life hold you back? Do you keep hanging out with the same friends, or support them to help them open up to their potential? Do you stay in a relationship with a partner who has no sex drive and try to burst their bubble and open them up to you, or do you walk?
These are questions many contemplate. The people in your life are people you care about. You want to be happy with them. You want to grow with them. You don't want to hurt them by walking away, or yourself from having to grieve them and start the whole dating process all over again. But, do you ever question, is STAYING worth it? And, am I really being my full authentic self with this person? Will he/she EVER truly get me? How long am I willing to sacrifice my passion, my identity, my purpose?
As a VERY sexy and passionate person myself, I have asked these questions MANY times, and in the past unsuccessfully left a relationship only to be sucked back into it again. I realize the power that was lost in the process; the giving away of my own power, my own identity, and as I stand here and reclaim my true self again, it is so liberating and freeing to detach from someone who sucks the life out of you; literally!!!
But what do you do, if they try to convince you "OH, I know you love me!!!" or "Oh, hunny, we're meant to be together!" or "Baby, I need you!" "I'm nothing without you." or worse, if they demand you stay with them, "You HAVE to be with me." or perhaps if they do it secretly and unknowingly by manipulating your thoughts or beliefs and try to control you. How long will you let this continue going on? At some point, the manipulation HAS to stop, and the truth WILL set you free! YOU know you HAVE to walk, and no ounce of convincing will change your mind. You are ready, you are clear, and you set yourself free! This is a battle, I like to call, Protecting Your Sexy, because as time goes by, your sexiness elopes you when you stay, and when you detach, your sexiness flies!!! Only then do you see the truth, the cycle and can finally take a stand for yourself, protect your self, and walk away!
Some relationships just don't work, and some people in our lives are meant to be with us for a certain period of time, and when they keep holding you back from your true self, you know, the time has come!
I am here now, Protecting my own sexy! Do you care to join me in the quest?
I've learned some great new tools the past few weeks in Tantra, and I am available, here and would love to see you!
Here's to your sexiness, your passion, and your life!!! Cheers!!!
Thursday, September 08, 2011
Taoist Tantra & Intimacy Retreat
Hi guys (and gals). I'm sorry to announce that I'm writing to you AFTER coming back from this Retreat, but all that has been going on all summer left me MIA, and I've been working through some of my own personal journey that I neglected to let you all know of this, prior to its happening. However, it was a private invitation, and a VERY small group of people.
NOW, I get to tell you of its happenings and the amazing
bliss and a connection to Gaia, Nature Spirits and the Divine! There is nothing like it!
So, what was THIS Retreat like? Ahh, aren't all Tantra Vacations and Trainings amazing? Yes, they are, and this was NO exception! The purpose of this event was much different than my Beloved Baba Dez's Daka Dakini Conferences. Dez has practically no limits or boundaries in his trainings, and yet they offer an extraordinary experience filled with love, divinity and bliss. Where-as this event, was lead by Anton from Sexy Spirits in NY, a friend of mine I love, admire and adore! And he brought his gorgeous and sexy wife, and they both shared their love with all of the participants. It's SO amazing to see how a powerful Couple, that unconditionally give to each other, and ravish in each others pleasures and fantasies can be so fulfilling to their inner self and to a community at large! It was awe-inspiring! My dream man would be someone such as him; a Leader of a Tantric Community himself and completely Mastered the Art of Love, Pleasure and Orgasm! Yes, these beings take YEARS of training. It is not your hand me down, run of the mill training of being a horny teenager and growing up just adoring sex and touching a woman. It is a whole different ball game!
1). We learned how to pleasure a woman in an entirely different and loving fashion; one that did not include ejaculation and full blown orgasm, but one that included intimacy, patience and gentle orgasms that were stopped prior to its height; keeping the flame going for minutes or hours. And, the men just surrendered into giving, and were trained in this fashion so as
2). Naked Yoga every morning! How joyful and relaxing and fun! Then we ran to the back where a stream filled with large rocks and small waterfalls overlapped the earth. The men graciously and gently guided us all through the water as we went to a deep part in the creek and jumped all the way in to let the water cover our entire bodies; naked and freezing! Wow, what a rush!
3). Tantra Tango; need I say more! You could wear as little or as much as you wanted and swing those hips around to step-step! (Yes, I later realized my sarong was in the way!)
4). Organic Food! We were seriously treated like Kings and Queens!
5). Cuddling with whoever you wanted in each series of practices in the Group Setting!
6). Energy Cleansing and Honoring the Self Ritual. I went into full body waves as I was finally given permission to be my true self and let all the muck from here in Philadelphia, just disappear and dissipate away from me!
7). Good Bye, but not good bye! We were all invited to Anton and Rita's soon to be official wedding that is to be scheduled within 6 months! This is now another one of my Beloved Tantra Communities, I dare not stray too far away from! Coming to this event, was my coming home!
If anyone is interested in being my trainee or receiver of this Taoist Art, please let me know. Guys and ladies!
I will share more with you of the summer coming soon!
Love you All, and NO, I have NOT stopped doing this work and don't plan to; ever!
Check out: for more info on the Retreat! The second Training will be in the Winter as a Part II Taoist Tantra Training and Healing for men!
PS. My Private Tantra and Sacred Sexuality Healing site was never taken down. Here it is just an FYI: My very basic and old site! My Coaching site is
Tantra, Coaching and Healing for Women is
LOVE! <3