Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Moon in Scorpio - Psychic Tantra - Updates!

As the moon phases into full and new, each day, or two, or three days it changes the energetic vibrations on the planet.  As the energies changes, so too does the astrological sign of the moon, and  we move into a new vibration feeling its power and a new frequency that sometimes controls how we feel, act, think and behave. Today and yesterday we were vibrating in the energy of Scorpio, and it usually is one of my favorite moon signs the moon is phased in. The time of the moon in Scorpio, we are often in an intense place of depth for anything that we are passionate about. It is a time of mysticism, have higher prophetic visions or abilities, desire to go deeper into ourselves and discover how we feel or what it is we want. It is also a time of intense passion and sexual desires or pleasures. When the moon is in Scorpio, it is often a time of GREAT sex, and deep love making, as we are influenced and motivated to feel more passionate than normal and driven to go deeper into anything in which we love.

We also may wish to seek solitude, being alone to feel all of ourselves; loving ourselves solely in self love practices, or gentle meditation, and going deeper into our art or work and discover solutions to our work's, or life's problems via a deeper psychic ability than normal.

I am truly feeling deep gratitude at this time of my existence and ascension, and know all the profound work I have done on my-self, has truly paid off, as I feel in a place of integration and balance greater than ever before. I am feeling harmonious, and utter self love and am more able to be supportive to myself and others than ever before. My psychic visions are rising and my psychic impressions are deepening. Whatever it is that you need, I can draw from my own power and bring out the characters or energies that will support those who need me. In a sense, I can be like a Chameleon, and change to match what others need. If you put a group of people together in one room who know me, they may all have a different experience of me since I can match and draw out of myself the energies that will match and support where they are in their growth or their personal needs. My psychic channels are high during a Session, and whatever someone needs, my spirit will know and I will sense how to support them, and in this way, I either raise my vibration and offer sexually charged Sessions, or I may tone the energies down and be softer, gentler and kinder as they may be sensitive or emotionally hurt, or I may meet them somewhere in the middle. 

As the moon is in Scorpio, and moving to Sagittarius, I am moving from intense spiritual depth and Sexual energy (although this is always the case), to the more independent leadership like qualities of Sagittarius. I am truly grateful for all the love and support over these past few months and have acquired new Sea Salt lamps; that act like Air Purifiers, and new De-humidifiers to help eradicate the air issues here, and maintain a balance of pure breath and powerful health. What's next to come are Orgone's, as in orgone therapy to raise the vibration even higher and offer another level of healing I have not given before. I also plan to acquire a set of Chakra Flat Stones to give Chakra Healing in our Tantra and Coaching Sessions, and a Chakra Pendulum to help you see with greater understanding the energies I just know need balance, and teach what I know in a more practical way.  Not everyone may have my psychic gifts, and only get a hunch, and I now want to truly give you healing that will make a HUGE difference in your life for the long term.

I celebrate you as you have gifted me with YOUR presence for the many years past, and whatever years you choose to join me in the future!

Blessings and Love to ALL!


Unknown said...

It is a much forgotten fact that our greatest sexual organ is our brain; it is responsible for our fantasies, for the release of feel-good hormones and for registering sexual

Our www said...

At the end this is all about, focusing more then other, and have a level of your mind higher that offers you some new open doors, into the tantric sex. Our consciousness is very strong, but at the same time, is hard to control it, and have a full access to it. Few people manage to do it, and those who did it, have years of trainning behind. More or less all of this tantric sex , yoga and consciousness are all related into a trinity, that offers a beautiful result.