When engaging in moments of an embrace in a strangers arms
Acceptance and unconditional love are met instantly
Like the euphoria of falling in love with a new lover
An encounter with the divine is welcomed in open arms of a stranger
With the breath, the presence,
And the openness to experience intimacy for what it is
Without a history of times past as in a deep-committed relationship
There are no triggers, no reminders of past hurts
The love of a stranger is met with openness
For no longing or hunger of a committed partner is there
One can just be,
And allow urges and awakenings to move gracefully
Across the air as a feather of a swift breath to the unknown
A stranger in the presence of the divine,
Can allow sudden passions to be awakened
Past memories or pains to be surrendered to this moment
In accepting what is, what feelings come up,
All memories or thoughts in the mind
That occurred before this moment
And everything become peaceful and beautiful once again
During these times we can forgive our present lovers
Or past lovers who we no longer share our lives with
We can just be, in love, with this new stranger
For a brief moment of time
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