There are many tools and paths to clearing the energy body, but what's most important is that you use the tools available. Most don't know the value of clearing the energy body, let alone, how one goes about doing it. Clearing the Energy Body, is a celebration and a renewal to the real self that is sitting and waiting for you to awaken.
Many practices mentioned on this website are excellent ways of clearing the energy body; such as chakra clearing and balancing, IET, all types of Reiki, and energy healing, meditation, and breathwork. Other tools are emotional release work, massage therapy, and yoga.
When one clears the energy body, they can connect to the wave of bliss waiting inside themselves and as the outside awakens to the inside, the inside then merges back out again with the outside. The energy of the entire person then flows in a spiral from the internal to the external; the physical body, to the energetic body, the feeling of touch to the skin, to the senses of ones energy and auric field all around them. The whole person then experiences a wave of bliss and love and a connection to all that is, is achieved.
Tantra for Your Whole Life; Removing what is in the way of experiencing joy, pleasure, peace and love!
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Clearing The Energy Body
Our Energy Bodies
Everyone's energy body is speaking a different language. We are all at different vibrations radiating different levels of frequency and energy that goes out into the universe and the universe, or others, respond accordingly. All people on the planet are attracted to other based on their energy body. They energy body speaks many languages. We are all carrying certain energies that match our beliefs, our history, our traumas, our desires and our fears. Most people on the planet are intuitive; some more so than others. However, the more open our energy body's are to positive and healthy vibrations, the more we will attract positive and healthy individuals in our lives. Often as we expand and heal, others close to us will as well. And those who do not, that we cherish and love, who stay stagnant, sometimes will be left behind as our energies will then travel on different passages since the attraction and compatibility changes.
To achieve a state of bliss, you must be ready - emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. When you can learn to expand your spiritual body, cleansing it, purifying it, then your physical body will be ready to move on to gaining access to the bliss that awaits you underneath the (what I like to call) energetic clutter. All levels of your being are important, and before you can awaken your kundalini power; to your tantric and blissful essence, your spiritual body must be ready to achieve it.
The Spirit of Bliss
you have to clear the muck that's in the way!
We are all Spiritual beings living in a physical body. Our spiritual body is mostly unknown to people on the planet; except those who are conscious and on the path. It is my pleasure and joy to work with those who are on the path, and to those who are not, to learn the power and value in getting started.
I offer you many techniques and practices on this website that took me many years to learn and practice, and many more to master. It is the utmost importance to allow the spirit to be of a significant factor in your journey of reflection, your recovery to healing, your awakening to the divine, and your passionate desire to connect to others.
Bliss is not something that can be achieved through simple pleasures of the ego, the mind or the body. Bliss is achieved through connecting to something much bigger than we all are - the metaphysical, transcendental, ethereal and energetic part of ourselves that lies not only inside of us, but all around us. Achieving bliss is a state of mind through conscious efforts in connecting to our spiritual selves.
Bliss can be achieved through the body, but there are always energetic blocks that keep us from fully expanding and opening into a higher vibration that our divine being is craving for us to embrace. When we can merge the physical body with the spiritual body, we can then achieve a full body state of ecstatic bliss.
Increasing Your Vibrational Frequency
Perhaps you are unfamiliar with this terminology, however, as a Reiki Master Teacher, Yoga Teacher, IET Advanced Healer, Frequency Balancing Practitioner, Axiotonal Alignment Practitioner and igili Angel Healer, there is no way I can avoid telling you the power of increasing your vibration, or offering to teach it. Even more, I cannot possibly ignore that I have this wealth of knowledge to offer you, and sit back sharing nothing and keeping it hidden. That would be selfish of me. This information is like a goldmine of abundance of bliss and peacefulness that can be harnessed and created from within your own body vehicle, and I will do everything I can to share this information with my clients, offer you these practices to achieve these states of bliss and peacefulness and continue to show you my love by accepting where you are in your journey. Please don't pass up the opportunity to receive a Healing Session from me. I know you all love Tantra and want to experience the benefits of increased pleasure, but without the increase of your vibration, you'll never know what you are missing.
Increasing your vibrational frequency is increasing your access to the divine and your ability to be truly present in the moment. It is removing the weight around your body and gaining access to the light being that you were born into on this planet. It is a way to connect to your soul and your angelic nature. It is when you feel at one with all things and all of life. It is your natural self, free of all limitations, purified of your ego, your needs and desires, and your innocent gentleness returning to you. It is when your physical body and your spiritual body intertwine and you feel weightless to life and there is no separation between your body and the space all around you. It is truly a living experience of bliss in your body now!
Please see and try one of my Energy Healing Sessions as soon as you can. You've never experienced anything like it. My personal favorites: IET, Frequency Balancing, Tera-Mei Seichem Reiki and Axiotonal Alignments. You also may love the energetic bodywork of Jin Shin Do and Shiatsu. But in order to truly appreciate these types of sessions, you'll have to come with no expectations, knowing these are non-tantra sessions, and expect nothing but an increase in your energy vibration, your overall health and well being and deeper peace within yourself. We will get to the Tantra Session, either later in the session, or at a time that feels right. The end result is you'll start opening your energy channels and bring in a higher vibration of love.
I Just Want to Escape From My life, and have a Sensual Experience. I don't want to have to do any work.
The Cross Between Spirituality and Sexuality
I Understand You Think It's Important to cleanse my energy, but I still just don't get it
When you go on vacation and get away from your problems you can feel the opening and peacefulness all around you. When you surround yourself around others who take your mind off of your stresses, you can forget the problem, but the problem is still there waiting for you to return to. One tiny little memory can take you back to the exact thing that you are totally frustrated or unhappy with, and the weight of stress sits right back on your shoulders again.
It is not easy to cleanse one's spiritual body, especially in a private 2 hour session, however, getting started is most important. Even giving it one hour to cleanse yourself, and one hour to work on the area of your desire is better than not doing it at all. Honestly, I don't want to work with others where their priority is not to evolve their spiritual bodies or awaken their consciousness on a higher level. However, if they are willing to have an open mind and learn, I am open to working with them.
The Importance of The Spirit Body Connection
Most people just accept life as it happens, and choose to move on ignoring the event that happened to us. Then all of a sudden, you are caught in a trap of a cycle that eludes you and takes control over your life. An example is: you and your wife argue all the time. You come to disagreements in almost every conversation. You haven't gotten to the bottom of why these arguments happen and both people feel unloved, unappreciated, unaccepted and invalidated as a person. Then your hormones increase and you want to make love, but your wife is uninterested because of all the arguments you had, or you are no longer turned on because you are tired of fighting. Then nothing gets accomplished and neither persons needs are met. The relationship becomes stagnant and distant. Another example is: you are working at a job where you give up your life to take care of others. You end up, in a sense, giving up yourself and ultimately giving up your identity. You start out by being exhausted all the time. You have no time for a social life because all you want to do is rest when you are alone. Your children never see you. Your husband or wife starts getting used to you never being around, and you loose the connection you worked so hard to achieve. Eventually you start getting other symptoms that could lead to a heart attack, a stroke, a nervous breakdown, migraines, or worse a form of cancer.
There are many examples I could use, however, the point is that we all carry energy from our past, be it an hour before, a week before, or a month before. And the most powerful way of creating a sacred connection with the one you love, or your tantra practitioner, is to either cleanse your energy before coming to the session, or doing a form of cleansing ritual while you are in session before getting started in the Tantra or Sexual Healing work. The connection is much more powerful when both people are clear of anything in the past, and even more so when they are both in a high vibration of spiritual love. When there is a repeated pattern of separation in a relationship, it is best to seek therapy, as well as do the energy clearing before connecting to making love, but the connection is stronger the more you can be rid of what happened from the past. Being in the moment truly means being free of anything that's keeping you, your mind or your body out of the present moment.
The best ways to cleanse ones energy is through meditation, energy clearing practices, any other forms of energy healing, yoga, acupuncture, and many others. If you are interested in a more Spiritual & Psycho-therapeutic form of healing not mentioned on this site, please contact me and we will discuss options. These sessions are not tantric and have no intention other than your health, wellness, energy balancing and psychological growth.