Tantra for Your Whole Life; Removing what is in the way of experiencing joy, pleasure, peace and love!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Christmas Discount Special!
Due to the excessive amount of no shows, cancellations and problems in the economy, I am offering Sessions at my old rate of $150.00 per hour and negotiable upon request during this Holiday Season!
Please contact me at your earliest convenience and I will be happy to work with you and schedule a session for you.
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Being Real, Authentic and you!
The Psychology of Tantra
Who is the real you? What is the real you? When you can sit back and let yourself be open, expressive, engaging and not have to think about what you say, or how you act, and can let go without thinking in advance, you can be alive and true to the real self you are. It's not always easy to let one's guard down, and scream when you feel like it, or cry as soon as you notice you are sad, and the sadness comes from an ancient feeling held tight inside of you. Being authentic and true to one's self, by means of expression is a gift and ability not many are able to live, and seldom even allow themselves the freedom to know it's power and believe it is even possible.
What does it mean to release one's hidden emotions? What does it mean to hold on tight to all your feelings inside? Why is this of any value or have any significance to one's living?
Because these actions and feelings can create power! The power is created when you let go of anything you've been hanging onto from your ancient past, or recent problems. When you hold on to an old feeling, knowing that it is inside, and how strong you've been holding onto it and how much pain it has caused you, you know the holding on is creating as much strength and power in the emotion and feeling as it would if you were to let it go. Holding onto something gives it power. Putting thought to an idea, or a feeling gives it power. And, when you know it is still there, and how difficult it is to even think about, this alone gives this feeling such power over your entire way of living, being, looking at life, and ability to respond to something. The same power and strength is given back to you, when you can finally make peace with the feeling, bring light to it, show the feeling it is loved, being able to look straight on to this emotion and surrendering to all it's pains, also can create power by loving yourself in the emotion/feeling/behavior/held emotion from the past, that you can become empowered and enlightened just from setting this feeling free!
So, when you can let go of a painful truth, shed its tears, or let it have a temper tantrum and scream and jump up and down until it feels heard, you can finally be free of this feeling, have a stronger ability to be present in the moment, feel heard, known, accepted and loved, then you can truly be your authentic you!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Yin Yoga Teacher Training is complete!
I am finally finished my Yin Yoga Teacher Training. I am proud to finally have a certificate to teach these Yoga classes and can practice my teaching desire of offering Tantra Yoga and Sexual Healing Classes to the public. I'm well on my way!!!!
My true desire for taking the Yin Yoga Teacher Training was to gain more confidence and practice to teach Tantra, Sacred Sexual Healing Arts, Ways of Enhancing Intimacy and Building Strong Connections within a Relationship to the public. This was my next step to moving into my own power as a Practitioner and Healer of the Sacred Healing Arts, and I am excited to now finally be complete in this beautiful training and be on my way to putting myself more out there, to the larger audience and start the process of teaching; not only in my private practice, but also to the public!
Yin Yoga is similar to tantra in that it enforces being present in ones own body and allows for many types of feelings to surface so that they can be revealed, cleared and integrated in one's own body, mind and spirit! The difference with Tantra and Yin Yoga is that Yin is going through a sequence of asana postures and remaining in one position for up to 5 to 20 minutes at a time; where as Tantra is not an asana practice, but instead a whole spectrum of movement and breathing exercises. It's a fun way to bring two different Healing Arts together, and when my classes do start and I find somewhere to teach them; being a Tantrica, I will most likely teach the powerful philosophies within Tantra Yoga in these brief, insightful and powerful Yin classes as well! However, over the long term, my desire is to focus solely on teaching Tantra, and the Yin is just my starting point for practice to get there!
Monday, October 06, 2008
Detachment, Surrender, Acceptance
Whoever grasps it loses it.
-- Lao Tzu
The Art & Practice of Loving
Bow, and you will stand tall.
Be empty, and you will be filled.
Let go of the old, and let in the new.
Have little, and there is room to receive more.
The wise stand out,
because they see themselves as part of the Whole.
They shine,
because they don't want to impress.
They achieve great things,
because they don't look for recognition.
Their wisdom is contained in what they are,
not their opinions.
They refuse to argue,
so no one argues with them.
The Ancients said: "Give up and you will succeed."
Is this empty nonsense?
Try it.
If you are sincere, you will find fulfillment.
Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, Chapter 22
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The Kiss --- "...These no wheres and no times and the only home we have."
Being Present
The moments of being in emptiness,
in the moment,
unaware of where you are or
what's going on around you,
are the moments when we are
most focused on what we're doing.
There is no thinking except
to what's in front of you,
next to you, and how you feel
inwardly. Judgments not are
made on anything in the world
The only thing that matters is
the intricate details of the thoughts
and flow of the moment. Minute factors
beyond this do not exist.
7-9-05, by: Asttarte Deva
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Tantra As Self Empowerment, by: Asttarte Deva
There are many sayings in times past on "reclaiming your power", or "Women Power", or finding empowerment through sports or martial arts. Few ever talk about, and even fewer know about the hidden secrets and power within Tantra. Tantra as empowerment is a way of reclaiming oneself, finding out who you are, learning tools to access who you are, and then practicing the Tantra techniques, exercises and practices. Tantra allows one a way of manifesting the life you want - the abundance you seek, the lower or beloved of your dreams, the harmonious and passionate relationship and love life you desire with the one you already have, the car or house of your dreams, and so on.
Tantra is empowering because it forces you to tap into your will and draw up energies within yourself to go beyond the uncomfortable until eventually it does become comfortable. I have found no other writings or research on Tantra as self empowerment, but this is one of the biggest reasons ancient masters studied and practiced, and also taught this powerful practice.
Tantra is Yoga, however, Yoga is not Tantra. Tantra forces one to become present to the pain within themselves as well as is open to one becoming present, at one and authentic to the joy and blissful nature of oneself. Tantra is about being open to what is. Yoga is about being a Warrior and controlling ones urges to just be still and allow the energies of feelings to move through them, while Tantra teaches one to embrace, be open and be real with those feelings; authenticity, however, done with presence, listening to the breath, and the still voice within. I love Tantra Yoga because it teaches me about the natural desires of the human nature and about being real and accepting of them, and using that realness within oneself as a vehicle to grow; by accepting what is.
Tantra as self-empowerment is as natural as following your bliss and listening to that inner voice inside yourself of what you should or shouldn't do. It is also about doing a set of exercises to harness the deep emotions within yourself, so you can eventually pull them up and out of you, and let them go; be them rage, anger, sadness, confusion, numbness or fear.
Whatever the emotion, Tantra gives you a vehicle to transcend them. And that alone is empowering. And that alone allows anyone, anywhere to give birth to a new life; one of bliss, joy, contentedness and peace. This is why I call Tantra a miracle. This is why I call Tantra self-empowering. This is why Tantra can be used as a tool for Psychotherapy, and this is why Tantra is a gift from God.
The Love of A Stranger, a poem, by Asttarte Deva

When engaging in moments of an embrace in a strangers arms
Acceptance and unconditional love are met instantly
Like the euphoria of falling in love with a new lover
An encounter with the divine is welcomed in open arms of a stranger
With the breath, the presence,
And the openness to experience intimacy for what it is
Without a history of times past as in a deep-committed relationship
There are no triggers, no reminders of past hurts
The love of a stranger is met with openness
For no longing or hunger of a committed partner is there
One can just be,
And allow urges and awakenings to move gracefully
Across the air as a feather of a swift breath to the unknown
A stranger in the presence of the divine,
Can allow sudden passions to be awakened
Past memories or pains to be surrendered to this moment
In accepting what is, what feelings come up,
All memories or thoughts in the mind
That occurred before this moment
And everything become peaceful and beautiful once again
During these times we can forgive our present lovers
Or past lovers who we no longer share our lives with
We can just be, in love, with this new stranger
For a brief moment of time
Monday, September 15, 2008
Spiritual Poetry on Love
Tao Te Ching, by: Stephen Mitchell
(From a beautiful Goddess friend's book named Emily Nussdorfer- Dance & Movement Arts Therapist. In our conversation, she had told me this is who I am, and I thanked her, and copied the poem.)
The Master has no mind of her own.
She works with the mind of the people.
She is good to people who are good.
She is also good to people who aren't good.
This is true goodness.
She trusts people who are trustworthy.
She also trusts people who aren't trustworthy.
This is true trust.
The Master's mind is like space.
People don't understand her.
They look to her and wait.
She treats them like her own children.
Excerpts from the poetry of
Mevlâna Jalâluddîn Rumi
Versions by Coleman Barks
From Unseen Rain,
Don't let your throat tightenQuatrains
with fear. Take sips of breath
all day and night. Before death
closes your mouth.
There's no love in me without your being,
no breath without that. I once thought
I could give up this longing, then thought again,
But I couldn't continue being human.
Excerpts from
Love is a Stranger
Poetry of Mevlâna Jalâluddîn Rumi
Translated by Kabir Helminski
The Intellectual
The intellectual is always showing off;
The lover is always getting lost.
The intellectual runs away, afraid of drowning;
the whole business of love is to drown in the sea.
Intellectuals plan their repose;
lovers are ashamed to rest.
The lover is always alone, even surrounded with people;
like water and oil, he remains apart.
The man who goes to the trouble
of giving advice to a lover
gets nothing. He's mocked by passion.
Love is like musk. It attracts attention.
Love is a tree, and lovers are its shade.
Listening To Your Love, by: Margaret Truxaw Hopkins
When I am listening to my partner with skill, I can see more clearly which elements of a conflict belong to him and which belong to me. If I feel a strong emotional reaction to what he says, it is almost certain that something tender and vulnerable in me has been touched, and it is useful to note that for when it is my turn to be the speaker. When I am in a conversation without consciousness and care, my subjective reactions can spill out with little control, and the listening temporarily comes to an end. When I can tune my attention with awareness to his core dynamic, there is a better chance that the container will be strong enough for deeper healing work to begin. I can see my own needs and wants as well as his.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
mini updates - Newsletter September 2008
I'm planning to write articles for magazines. I'm in the preparation zone and preparing my mind, body and spirit for the big transition. I'm also painting and hope to create spiritual works of art to add to my writing, as well as singing; which I hope to one day replace the music I love of Donna De Lory and Deva Premal; with my own music as Asttarte Deva. I have a website in the works, that I am building at the present and hope to be done by Christmas. You would love the new site. It is a compilation of spirituality, energy healing, metaphysics, readings, poetry, bodywork, AND the big subject of Tantra. It is a long term goal in putting this together, and my hope is to eventually have it available for music, books, art, tantra dvds (that I create - reason why it's a long term goal) and other products as well. The site is through a template that I may need to switch over in the future to something bigger and more professional, but it is a good start. http://asttartedeva.com
I'm working 3 or 4 days a week and have to take advantage of that small window where I can work, relax, or go out. We are our baby's main babysitter right now; the father and I, and we have chosen this for many reasons; one is that we want to instill as much love in this little human being as we possibly can while it matters the most.
I'm taking a Yoga Teacher Training now. I literally signed up for it this past Thursday. I had been thinking about doing it all summer. I was inspired during a beautiful kirtan gathering at Main Line Yoga in Ardmore. Singing in kirtan is one of my favorite things to do, and being a part of the energy of love/God, creates awakenings in my spirit and soul, and in that moment, my guidance was communicating to me strongly that this course would be perfect for the next level of my development. The teacher training is called Yin Yoga, and it is an extremely powerful form of yoga for moving chi in the body; stuck chi, stagnant chi, and becoming more alive in the body by transforming the energy of emotions and physical blocks. The main focus for the course is moving the energy in the meridians such as in Taoism or Chinese Medicine. There are also a lot of key connections in the Yin Yoga Teacher Training related to Ayurveda as well as Tantra. It is a good balance for the Shiatsu Massage and Jin Shin Do Bodymind Acupressure training I have already done (as well as Yoga and Tantra) and reconnects me to that subtle, yet powerful form of healing through movement of the body, breath and energy of chi. Yin Yoga is not for beginners, however, beginners can use it to enhance their Yoga practice, or to help open the body through a subtle, calm, yet powerful practice. I look forward to the new calmness and spiritual connection to source this has already begun to create for me, and the new revelations it will offer for me in my work.
Blessings to all!
Thursday, September 04, 2008
The Differences Between Tantra Yoga, Sexual Healing and Intimacy Therapy
Tantra Yoga offers the practices of raising the energy through the breath; without physically touching another human being. Although touching another can become a part of this practice, it doesn't come until later, until one has reached a state of awakening and bliss within oneself. Tantra Yoga is a practice done solely and can be a meditation of stillness and a meditation of movement. It can be done sitting, standing or lying down. There are specific practices used to raise the Kundalini and open connections to oneself, and Tantra Yoga is where one needs to start to begin to awaken to these energies. In order to gain access to the Bliss and Ecstasy of Sexual Healing and Intimacy Therapy (Advanced Tantra Yoga) one must learn the basics. However, Tantra Yoga alone can offer an incredible amount of bliss and ecstasy, and once one realizes this, sometimes they no longer desire trying to get the ecstasy from another they so often thought they could achieve. Although, when you start with one you can most definitely move to another; in the order and time you are ready. Tantra Yoga is more like going to Yoga class and sitting and listening to the instructor guide the student through the poses; however, the poses in this sense are different movements of the body and different ways of expanding the breath. It is quite different.
Sexual Healing
Sexual Healing encompasses practices of Tantra Yoga, however, with a Practitioner giving a Healing Service with the receiver lying down, or sitting upright. Sexual Healing is not a series of learning exercises to practice as much as it is a practice to move energies to help you heal blocks of pain, numbness, anger, sadness or any other emotion that is in your way. Sexual Healing is a way of receiving the nurturing you need in specific areas of your body. It can include eye contact while you lie on the floor, energy healing or reiki anywhere on the body, massage techniques, and guidance on moving your energy.
Intimacy Therapy
Intimacy Therapy is a very intimate form of therapy and healing, and when one requests this as a session, they must be willing to be authentic to their own feelings within them self and allow them self to become vulnerable with their Practitioner. Often times, a client will need to come to the Practitioner for weeks or months before they are ready to allow themselves to trust the Practitioner they are seeing; unless they are already on a deep spiritual path and know within themselves that they are ready. Prior to Intimacy Therapy, the client will go through a few practices of Tantra Yoga and sometimes Sexual Healing before opening up to the Intimacy Therapy. However, in few cases, the client requesting the session will know exactly what they are wanting to address and heal and Intimacy Therapy can be performed immediately.
Some Practitioners who are truly offering "Sexual Healing", or are only giving pleasure or release and not guiding the student/client into the arts of Tantra with the practices of the breath and other exercises, are misleading the client.
All of these Practices are unique on their own. They each have a separate description and distinction from each other. And, they all are very important!
Important Tantra Topics of Discussion
Tantra in the Media
Open Relationships As A Way to Expand Consciousness, Grow & Heal
Why A Disciplined Tantra Practice is Important
The Energy of Love IS The Energy of God
Why Do Tantra Yoga?
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
The Basics of Tantra Healing - For Those of you with No Prior Experience
For those of you with no previous experience, I will now be offering sessions to better prepare you to be ready for the Advanced Tantric Arts.
(For Those of you with prior experience, please skip this post and scroll below).
It takes a very brave and committed person to take on the challenge of learning the Advanced Tantra Arts; and for those of you who have never had basic experience with Spiritual Healing or Spiritual concepts, we will need to start there - i.e. Spiritual Healing Sessions that do not consist of the Tantric Arts (the basics of Tantra), in an effort to be more prepared for the Advanced Tantric Arts offered on this website.
Tantra Practices Before Sexual Healing & Intimacy Therapy (Advanced Tantra Sessions):
You will need to learn the philosophies and concepts of energy, breathing, what the chakras are and how we can use them to expand our body and soul, body work for opening the flow of energy in your entire being, energy healing for clearing energy blocks or emotional stress, yoga and what the basics of yoga are, what it means to be present, how to create consciousness within oneself and to use your emotions, stresses and pains as a guide for your growth, what your emotional and mental blocks are, the value of working through them, some Spiritual Psychotherapeutic processing, what it means to be authentic, basic meditation, and more!
I will also offer breathing practices training and meditation guidance as part of this training.
More Information:
You may visit my new site www.AsttarteDeva.com or this blog for more information on these Spiritual Healing Sessions; however, I will be updating this blog to reflect this post for your better understanding. The fees are less for these sessions, and their main purpose is to prepare you to take the Advanced Tantra Sessions seriously. The new website will describe all the Spiritual forms of Healing I offer, for those of who who qualify for these services. (See post below for information on the new website). Please Note: The more gentle Healing Sessions are just AS powerful as the Advanced Tantra Sessions and are just as important. It takes a ready and willing soul to dive into the depths of Tantra, and Tantra is not just about sex; it is about the entire person!
I will not forbid you from receiving the more erotic or Advanced Tantra Services, however, some basic principles will need to be practiced to get the most out of these sessions and in order to feel all of its benefits. Basic Practices and Advanced Practices can be incorporated within one session; but being committed to a series of sessions with me over a period of time will allow you the greatest benefit and the most expansion than just coming once with no prior experience at all.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Description of Tantra Practices
For further details from my site AsttarteDeva.com/
*The following is adult content ONLY!*
Each type of session/exercise or practice can be performed as one session solely, or several can be combined in one treatment session. We can decide together what of these practices to choose - based on your goals or intentions from the list above, or I can use my intuition to choose how the session will go.
Descriptions of Sessions, Exercises and Tantra Practices below:
Tantra Yoga Practices; tantra movement exercises, meditations & breathwork:
Tantra Yoga Practices
Practices of Tantra Yoga include over 30 exercises of expanding awareness, awakening bliss in the body, moving the energy in the chakras, full body movement exercises and breathing exercises. We will move into any of the exercises available to us and create a sacred session fill with expansion and love! This can be done standing or sitting.
Tantra Meditations
Tantra Meditations are done seated, working with the breath, the kundalini energy, the kegels/root lock and powerful visualizations. There are over 100 Tantra Meditations and each can be used to prepare the client to receive a powerful healing session.
Tantra Breathwork.
Tantra Breathwork is almost the same as the Meditations, however, this can include meditations as well as more physical movement. This can be done standing or sitting. Most often, this practice is done laying down on the back, with the knees up and feet planted on the floor. The main intention of the breathwork is to release energy blocks in the aura, and emotional blocks in the body. Tantra Breathwork creates deep awakenings, insights and emotional transformations to manifest and create changes that help uplift the spirits, bring enlightenment to oneself and ones personal relationships. This is an excellent substitute to Energy & Movement Psychotherapy and can be a powerful catalyst to therapy, a way of taking personal responsibility for one's process in and out of a relationship, and a way of creating harmony in your personal and love life!
Tantra Shamanic Breathwork
see Tantra Breathwork!
Tantra Eye Gazing
A popular practice often overlooked - Tantra eye gazing drops layers upon layers of walls of energy stored around your own aura, and if given the proper focus and time, can allow deep healing, deep sacred and intimate connection to occur, and powerful blocks to be removed while speaking your truth of who you are and communcating this to the one(s) you love! This practice is often done before anything else. It creates a safe container of connection, trust and intimacy to be built, and without this nothing else can be done!
Yabyum exercises for intimate connection & healing Tantra Massage
Yabyum is another sanskrit word for connection with the Beloved. you will often see statues of Shiva and Shakti or Radha and Krishna sitting in the position. It is where the man sits in the lotus (or indian style) position, and the female sites upon his lap. The man lays his arms around the females lower back, and the female lays her hands on his upper back. The position is done with the Tantric kiss (forehead to forehead), connection and clearing the chakras, the breathing of the kundalini energy, chanting the mantras of the chakras, and awakening the kundalini to connect to the beloved!
Kundalini Fire Breath
Kundalini Fire Breath is a practice done solo. It can be done sitting in any position, and in Kundalini Yoga is often done during intense yoga asana postures. In Tantra Yoga, this is usually done in the lotus position; while sitting still. The Kundalini Fire Breath creates harmony between the yin and yang, or masuline and feminine sides of the body and harmonizes the energy within you and around you. It creates a feeling of stillness and peace all over and other words for this are called Bliss! The feeling is mesmerizing!
Sensual Massage
Sensual Massage is a Healing Massage used to create connection, let go of barriers, and open up to the awareness of feeling touched and heighten sensitivity to touch, and allow for feelings of euphoria and bliss overall. Other practices of tantra are often done to prepare for this session, and allowing at least 1 hour minimum for the remainder of the session to be done on Sensual Massage will give the feeling one deeply desires and deserves! Other practices are often done within the massage to heighten the overall experience.
Sacred Spot Massage
Sacred Spot is another word for the prostate for men. This practice can be added to a Sensual Massage for heightened pleasure, or can be done solo as a Spiritual and Healing Session. When done solo, it can be a very powerful healing tool for releasing blocked emotions within the body, and when this is requested, please be prepared to drink a lot of water and have plenty of rest after the session is over.
Sacred Yoni Healing
This practice is offered for women. Yoni is a sanskrit word for the female sexual area and when offered by the Dakini this is done for healing of deep seated trauma, awakening blockages in the body, expanding orgasm, and offering loving compassion and gentle support for the woman. Sacred Yoni Healing can create a feeling of upliftment and empowerment in the body, and expand the Goddesses awareness to all that surrounds her. This healing exercise is offered with presence and loving acceptance from the Dakini.
Goddess Worship
This is where the Practitioner allows the receiver to give to the Practitioner in a form that would allow them pleasure from having a lack of giving in their personal life. It is a time to let down walls and guards in regards to intimacy, however, the practitioner may still have certain boundaries within this dynamic and also offer suggestions or teaching in how this can be done. Goddess Worship can include physical intimate touch, massage techniques, and energy techniques.
Sacred Lingham Healing
Lingham is an indian sanskrit word for the male sacred area. Another word for Lingham is wand of light! And, in Tantra and Sacred Intimacy, the lingham is viewed as a wand of light always, even when one does not realize this potential within him. In tantra, the lingham is a tool for awakening the kundalini and can be used to expand consciousness within himself and his beloved female partner. The male must practice the art of tantra for this sacred connection and ability of healing himself and his female partner to be created, however, with the tools and practice, this can be achieved. The Sacred Lingham Healing is performed by the Dakini, to help remind the God/Shiva/man of his own divinity and power within him, to feel nurtured, received, accepted and loved for who he is. He may learn practices to contain his energy and hold his power to expand his orgasm for longer lasting love.
Sacred Bath Ritual
The Sacred Bath Ritual is a practice to create a feeling of unconditional love, acceptance and feeling honored as a man or woman in the world. It almost gives a feeling of nurturing as an infant or child would feel, and the mothering energy offered can almost be transformed into a feeling of deep and unconditional acceptance from the receiver. This practice is often done to prepare for a Sensual Massage or Sacred Intimacy. It also may be done to help someone repressed to reawaken desires and passions stored within them, and to relive a fanasy or create a fantasy never experienced before. The Sacred Bath creates feelings of peace and relaxation, an opportunity to be in the unknown, and to surrender to the stresses of every day life!
Sacred Foot Massage
Sacred Foot Massage is one of my favorite practices to offer for clients. The feeling of the warmth of the water and the bubbles trickles up ones entire legs and allows the body to melt away all feelings of tension and stress. This gives me an opportunity to share my loving gifts of intuition to offer energy healing, and sensual touch.The Sacred Foot Massage often leads into many other wonderful energies and creates a beautiful beginning of an amazing session.
Pleasuring Your Partner
This Session is often done in a Couples Session, where I as the Dakini, assist you and your partner to the feelings of eroticism and tantric love. This can be done as a fuly erotic session, or a gentle session of love and intimacy filled with breath, eyegazing, gentle loving touch and massage. When a client comes to see me alone, this is often replaced with a Goddess Worship Session.
Tantric Touch Full Body to Body Sensual Massage
This Session is a full healing and full body session where all walls, barriers, and blocks are let go, and no guards are keeping the session to move into a space of sacred love. Both parties must be fully comfortable and aware of intentions, and nothing will be performed without consent and without agreement. All sessions are done with loving acceptance, unconditional love, and honoring the God and Goddess in each other.
Intimacy TherapyIntimacy Therapy is a very intimate form of therapy and healing, and when one requests this as a session, they must be willing to be authentic to their own feelings within them self and allow them self to become vulnerable with their Practitioner. Often times, a client will need to come to the Practitioner for weeks or months before they are ready to allow themselves to trust the Practitioner they are seeing; unless they are already on a deep spiritual path and know within themselves that they are ready. Prior to Intimacy Therapy, the client will go through a few practices of Tantra Yoga and sometimes Sexual Healing before opening up to the Intimacy Therapy. However, in few cases, the client requesting the session will know exactly what they are wanting to address and heal and Intimacy Therapy can be performed immediately.
Intimacy Therapy can include other techniques from this list including:
Tantra Eye Gazing
Yabyum exercises for intimate connection & healing Tantra Massage
Pleasuring Your Partner
Tantric Touch Full Body to Body Sensual Massage
Sexual Healing
Sexual Healing encompasses practices of Tantra Yoga, however, with a Practitioner giving a Healing Service with the reciever lying down, or standing upright. Sexual Healing is not a series of learning exercises to practice as much as it is a practice to move energies to help you heal blocks of pain, numbness, anger, sadness or any other emotion that is in your way. Sexual Healing is a way of receiving the nurturing you need in specific areas of your body. It can include eye contact while you lie on the floor, energy healing or reiki anywhere on the body, massage techniques, and guidance on moving your energy.
Sexual Healing can include other techniques from this list including:Pleasuring Your PartnerTantra Meditations
Tantra Breathwork
Sensual Massage
Sacred Spot Massage
Sacred Yoni Healing
Sacred Lingham Healing
Sacred Bath Ritual
Sacred Foot Massage
Description of Tantra Practices
Description of Tantra Practices
Types of Sessions Offered
Sessions For Spiritual Healing - Sessions for Spiritual Healing are focused on your spiritual connection to source, your self, your inner energies with your soul, your outer energies with the universe and your connection to life. These sessions help you to gain a greater awareness of who you are, your role in the world, and allow you to gain greater energy and love connection to yourself and your beloved.
Sessions for Energy Movement - Sessions for Energy Movement allow you to shift any blocks of resistance, fear that is hidden underneath distractions or misguided desires, allow for deeper intimacy with your beloved and your greatest teacher; yourself. These sessions help to create openings and expansions so you can feel freer in your choices, your desires, and your role as a man or woman in the world. These sessions can be empowering, uplifting, releasing, relaxing, cleansing and rejuvenating. Sessions for Energy movement can be done with sound, the breath, body movements, energy and the powerful hidden energy of our thoughts.
Sessions for Raising Sexual Energy - Sessions for Raising Sexual Energy carry a charge of Kundalini; a source hidden within your own body. These practices are strictly done by means of Tantra Yoga; for opening the heart, releasing blocks in our sexual center, raising the sexual energy, opening all the chakras, feeling more overall bliss in our body, our heart, and the energy all around us. Sessions for raising sexual energy, allow us to feel more, on a cellular level, and can sometimes connect us to our deepest pains AND our deepest desires. These sessions are empowering, uplifting and sometimes...exhausting, but well worth the commitment it takes to get to the road less traveled. These sessions are life changing!
Sessions for increasing Intimacy with your partner, self and practicing with the Dakini - Sessions for increasing Intimacy come after some of the other types of sessions mentioned above. One must feel a connection to their own energy, and to the energy of their partner, before they can connect to the energy of Intimacy. The energy of Intimacy IS the Energy of Love! One cannot exist without the other. These sessions help to feel more love from another human being, a purpose for being in the world, more nurtured and loved with complete unconditional acceptance, and sometimes to reawaken desire that has been stagnant and in some cases...lost! Sessions for increasing intimacy can be life changing when one has been single for a long time, or has forgot what it feels like to be touched. Sometimes we just need a hug or to be held, and with our own partner, we may not get that need met often, and in many cases, we may not get it at all.
Often, the description of the sessions above, is the order in which the sessions are given. We often have to start at one step to move to another.
Sessions For Spiritual Healing can include:
Tantra Yoga Practices; tantra movement exercises, meditations & breathwork.
Tantra Shamanic Breathwork
Tantra eye gazing
Kundalini Fire Breath
Sacred Yoni Healing (for women only)
Sacred Foot Massage
Intimacy Therapy
Reiki, Energy work, Jin Shin Do, Shiatsu and Thai Massage
Sessions for Energy movement can include:
Tantra Yoga Practices; tantra movement exercises, meditations & breathwork.
Tantra Shamanic Breathwork
Tantra eye gazing
Kundalini Fire Breath
Sacred Yoni Healing (for women only)
Sacred Foot Massage
Intimacy Therapy
Reiki, Energy work, Jin Shin Do, Shiatsu and Thai Massage
Sessions for Raising Sexual Energy can include:
Tantra Yoga Practices; tantra movement exercises, meditations & breathwork.
Yabyum exercises for intimate connection & healing Tantra Massage
Kundalini Fire Breath
Sensual Massage
Sacred Spot Massage
Sacred Yoni Healing (for women only)
Sacred Lingham Healing
Sacred Bath Ritual
Sacred Foot Massage
Intimacy Therapy
Pleasuring Your Partner
Tantric Touch Full Body to Body Sensual Massage
Reiki, Energy work
Sessions for increasing Intimacy with your partner, self and practicing with the Dakini can include:
Tantra Yoga Practices; tantra movement exercises, meditations & breathwork.
Tantra eye gazing
Yabyum exercises for intimate connection & healing Tantra Massage
Kundalini Fire Breath
Sensual Massage
Sacred Spot Massage
Sacred Yoni Healing
Goddess Worship
Sacred Lingham Healing
Sacred Bath Ritual
Sacred Foot Massage
Intimacy Therapy
Pleasuring Your Partner
Tantric Touch Full Body to Body Sensual Massage
Cuddling, Bonding Exercises, Connecting through the breath and being held
Saturday, July 12, 2008
New Website Under Construction - Integrating all forms of healing, resources, creative pursuits onto one website - AND more organized for Tantra.
This blog will eventually change to a real blog of writing about Sexual Healing, processes, new developments, exciting things happening, workshops I take, pictures I want to share, etc.
I hope to send everyone a newsletter, or email with the new information. For anyone who wants to be added to my list of people on a newsletter, please write to me at dakinislove@gmail.com. I also may change the url name of this website, so all the names match together, but that decision has not yet been made. I will keep this blog so that when you check back to it, you will see where to be directed to once the site is complete. If you want to be sure to find me, please keep my email and phone number.
Asttarte Deva Yoga and Center for Intimacy and Life EnhancementIntegrating all forms of spiritual healing, tantra healing, resources, spiritual products, yoga, and creative pursuits onto one website.
Until these changes are official, please continue to contact me via dakinislove@gmail.com.
Also, see my Sensual Store at www.SensualYogaErotica.com
With love and Gratitude to all of you,
Friday, May 16, 2008
Coming Clean - Opening up and Honesty about Sexuality and Sexual Healing
This blog is normally one of professional services writings, however, it is also a blog that I like to write to and add information on my work, my individual preferences and any news that could be of help or value to you!
After returning from the most amazing Conference for Sacred Sexual Healers I've ever been to, I've decided to tell you a couple things.
First, is that sometimes during my own healing of my own traumas, I may focus the session more on healing and less on eroticism and sexuality, however, very sensual in nature and still can be very sexual. I fluctuate my sessions depending on the level of energy that is moving through me. In the past, if you have been coming to me for 3 years now, you might notice how sometimes in sessions with me, I'll be wildy erotic, and other times I'll be more feminine and gentle and more motherly in my approach. Both are extremely important in these tantric arts, however, we all go through different phases of our life. However, since returning from the Sacred Sexual Healers conference and receiving my own healing session, I went through my own darkness. I ordered flower essences to help with this transformation since...
- I love my work so much and would do everything I can to continue to be present for others during this time. As a Sacred Sexual Healer, and being a Reiki Master for over 11 years now, (and other Spiritual Coach labels you might or might not be familiar with) I am very in touch with my own energy.
- My meditation practice has been deeper, my ability to relax has been deeper, I am more in touch with my heart center, I am more connected to my source, and in turn will be a more powerful healer for those who come to see me.
- As you can see, before I left to Sedona and received this healing, I had started an online Sex Toy Business. I will be continuing to do this, and this is just an example of how I was in a strong place of feeling erotic before going out there.
However, the more clear I am of my past, the more amazing my sessions can be. I always speak the truth of my boundaries as they come up, and I accept anyone else's boundaries as valid and important as well. This is an opportunity to be real with each other and to share each other's truth. If you know me, then perhaps you will appreciate this honesty and the truth that this is being worked on and will allow me to be empowered in my sexuality and more alive in my whole self than ever before!
- I also learned some new powerful ways of accessing a man's ability to bring up his kundalini/sexual energy from his sex center so he does not ejaculate so quickly and can hold his erection longer, and feel more alive an in his body. I am excited to practice this with my old clients and new.
As a Dakini, moving into my power even more, I want to speak words, that remind me of the phrase "coming out". Here is my statement below:
Description of a Dakini: A Dakini is a Healer who works in the Sexual Healing Arts. A Dakini is a female version of a Daka; a male Sacred Sexual Healer. A Dakini is trained in the arts of Sexual Healing and performs her services with highest integrity of the receiver coming to the Sexual Practitioner. A Dakini is not only a Dakini in her work, but this is her life. She is a practitioner of tantra and the ancient arts of sexuality, yoga and the breath. A Dakini can combine her gifts as a Sexual Healer with her other gifts of healing, such as Shamanism, intuition, and creates a space of safety, sensuality and love. As a Dakini, she can also use her gifts of ritual to perform her healing sessions and fill the space with the divine archetypes, angelic realm, ascended masters, and any other higher being she chooses to call on. As a Dakini and a pagan Goddess, I like to draw in my powers of healing, and my powers of intention to create a session filled with powerful manifestation of what the receiver desires to bring into his or her life. The word Dakini is very ancient, and there is very little information on it from
I have been a Dakini for 3 ½ years and a pagan for 13 years. When I was first becoming a Dakini, I chanted the mantra for Ma’at and asked for her healing powers to support me. She was with me every step of the way. As I took on the name Astarte (and added a “t” for my own numerological reasons), Astarte, is now with me always.
- I will be keeping a journal of my sessions with clients as I feel inspired. This will be completely anonymous but also filled with the journey to love in each session I create. My desire is to continue this journal so that I may share my own journey of healing as I help others and as I continue to develop my skills in helping them!
Thank you all for your trust in me, your confidence and your bravery in moving into your own sexual power!
Blessings of love to all of you!