Tantra for Your Whole Life; Removing what is in the way of experiencing joy, pleasure, peace and love!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
A Tantrica's Yoga Practice & being a Sexual Advocate Out in The World
There is a fine distinction between being the role of student and the role of teacher, however, sometimes things happen and you can't but be your true self!
I went to an Anusara Yoga class this morning, as a student, and being the fully expressed breather that I am, I came to find that it triggered some people and "disrupted" them in the class.
I did the normal practice that everyone does. I followed the instructions on each and every pose, and very shortly after class started, my breath started to expand to its full capacity. It doesn't take long for an avid Tantrica and advocate to start moaning and groaning to practically anything that feels good in the body. I being the case, I started to breathe heavily, being so fully present and joyous to what I was experiencing I didn't notice anything going on around me.
After about an hour, when I started giggling and taking deep sighs and layed there in half straddle after a back bend pose, the assistant teacher came over to me. She guided me to move my feet closer together to go back up in the back bend, and I really wasn't paying any attention at all to the seriousness of her or the rhythm of the rest of the class. I went out of focus and came to that euphoric place of bliss and just stayed still smiling. She looked at me again, "just move your feet closer together...a little closer." I said okay, taking a momentous breath and pushed myself back up in the back bend.
After a few minutes, I contemplated having a conversation with the teacher on asking her to "let the class know before you start that there is a Sex & Bliss Coach and Tantra Teacher visitor with us today, so if you hear extra sounds of breathing that is the reason." Instead, she told me that she had heard from quite a few people that my breathing was disrupting the others from experiencing their own breath and being in their own body. She asked me if I could, as a teacher, take the higher road and hold back my breathing to its capacity and just breathe in a normal rhythm. I felt that this would be suppressing to my own joy and I get a lot of joy out of doing a normal yoga class; perhaps much more than the average yogi.
I thought for a moment and said, "well, I could perhaps breathe out of my nose instead of out of my mouth." She said, "when you are the teacher, you can teach any way you want, but when you are wearing the students hat, I'd prefer you do your deep breathing practice at home and control your breath when you are here."
I said, "you're awesome, and I wouldn't want to not come to your class." She said, YOU'RE awesome and it was really thoughtful of you to come up to talk to me about this. And, ya know when I'm at home in my own practice, I let myself go there, but around others its different. Just think about it. It's something to meditate on."
It is something for me to think about, however, I would in no way choose to suppress my breath; especially when it comes naturally. Doing Yoga is a practice that naturally opens the breath, and if other people are not as expanded in their own bodies I cannot control that. However, what I can do is teach others how to expand themselves so they can have the full body experience that I have. So what I am taking out of this experience is perhaps, that yes, I am truly meant to start teaching Yoga Classes in a Tantric tone, and find avenues to do this, I have a gift to help women feel more comfortable in their bodies, I definitely need to go to another studio that is more liberal, and seeking for other alternatives of sharing myself and having a yoga practice is key. It sure is much more fun to do yoga with other people, but not if you have to change your identity in the process.
I totally love this teacher and love Anusara Yoga. So, I will try that nose breathing as a compromise next time, and if I still am disruptive, I suppose I'll seek yoga elsewhere! As a Tantrica, when you nose breathe and you are connected to your sexual kundalini energy and breath, even the nose breathing isn't so quiet! The humming and vibrational tone that comes from the throat can be just as loud, and I will consider other options.
Everything IS a choice. When it comes to choosing between feeling orgasmic or suppressed, and you have a choice, as a Tantrica I'll make the moans. It's much more fun, and as a Practitioner and Teacher, sometimes being self-less is the better option, AND the moaning can also be the teaching. It all depends on the audience.
I'll keep you posted!
Keep on being your true self. If you don't no one will know what you have to share with the world!
With Love,
The most liberal yoga studio I know of in all of Philadelphia is Studio 34. When it comes time for me to teach my classes, this is the 1st place I will go.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Erectile Dysfunction - A Common Phenomenon
After about a dozen phone calls of people seeking help with their personal erectile dysfunction issues, I thought it was time to do something about this, and write to you.
Many men go through a stage in their life that takes them off of their normal routine of a healthy sex life, and often it comes as a shock to them; not knowing how to turn things around, and sometimes go back to the way it was just the day before. And, after many months of feeling frustrated, mostly from their partner wanting them to be able to be fully erect and feel the full sensation they had before, they start looking for answers.
First off, I want to say, ladies, please have patience for your honey's. Sometimes they don't know the source of this and they really do need help. It is important that they know YOU love them, accept them, and can be fully supportive of what they are dealing with. #1 this is utmost of importance. It will help them feel nurtured, cared for, and in the end get to the other side of this condition.
Second, guys, it will take a lot of compassion on your part to let your women go through what they are going through given they were always used to things being a certain way, and now they need to adjust to the changes and learn within themselves how to accept your situation, and eventually support you to heal it. If this core foundation doesn't happen, this is where a lot of relationships start going under and can, without warning, walk a path of termination. This is not what I would want for you, however, some people can only handle so much disappointment. The good news is, is that there are answers and this CAN, I am telling you, be cured. It will take DEEP soul searching on your part, a determination to heal your inner self and take charge of the problem. Going to the route of viagra or other drugs is NOT the solution. It will only lead to other health problems later, but I can't make that decision for you. You have to.
So guys, soul searching IS the answer. It's not the fastest solution, and it's not an easy one, but it is the most powerful solution. And, with Tantra and other Spiritual Healing practices, you can find yourself getting closer to your old healthy body again, and sometimes, EVEN HEALTHIER!
Sometimes the issue stems from one or more of these things:
Your Health
Past Traumas
Often when you have a health concern, this can cause stress. Often when you have stress it can be created in many ways; work, your closest relationships, family and on many occasions Past Traumas that you never even knew were traumas, but your body took them in and integrated them into a part of you, and now it has caught up with you. The most noble thing you can do would be to allow yourself to be vulnerable, surrender to what your body is telling you, and go deep within. Not every modality out there will help you. Just like food; some people like chocolate, some like vanilla and some like strawberry. We all have different likes and dislikes and our bodies respond to different modalities in different ways. The best thing to do is experiment. However, now that you are here reading this, I would like to say that practicing tantra, spiritual healing, doing emotional release practices and strengthening your sexual muscles will help. However, with a little guidance, a little push and a little practice.
Some other modalities I recommend are (I offer most of these btw):
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
NET (Neuro Emotional Technique) (I have a great referral here)
Matrix (Matrix Work - Core Energetics)
IET (Integrated Energy Therapy)
Caring for your health and eating proper foods
Acupuncture (I know of a couple really great clinics around Phiadelphia that cost $20 to $35)
Getting Massages
and more!
Some reading material: http://en.allexperts.com/q/Spiritual-Healing-3882/2009/12/Erectile-dysfunction-1.htm
If you would like a woman and someone different than here, let me know and I can give you another referral. Or, of course, you can see me! Good luck to you, and much much love on this journey!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Eclectic Immersion of Bliss
To live fully unto yourself is its natural state of the child you were born into. Once you learn the pleasures of life, you can never go back to the state you were before. And, as such, when children get bombarded by the control of our society, a level of brainwashing takes effect. We grow up feeling as if we are truly living our passion, or truly living what we love, but we later learn we are suppressed, frustrated and angry. There are layers and layers of patterns that get built, and as our perceptions of the world change, so do our beliefs; about who we are, why we are here, and what really matters to us. We transition and stop being the free spirits we once were. We grow to have fears, limitations, boundaries, and restrictions; just as the rules we grew up with around us and in our society.
This work is about removing those layers, unraveling so to speak and peeling back the parts of your self that have covered you up so that you can live into the true essence that you are; your divinity, your innocence, your love and your bliss!
When you can open up, and surrender your body to your spirit, your heart to your soul, and your mind to your heart, you can be anything, and truly live a bliss filled life!
And, as such, I have created a portal site; one that has all the sites within it and branched to the deeper work I offer. It is like a home contents page and offers a very brief description of the work, and then a link to each site for further information of what you are drawn to, need and feel you might want a session in. You are welcome to visit this portal at www.AsttarteDeva.com
With Love, Asttarte
Monday, June 28, 2010
Choosing a Passionate Life
The Benefits of an Arousing City
This past weekend I did my 3rd weekend of the ILP in New York City. I never felt so aroused just from going to a different location in my life. Being in the energy of the city awoke my energy to the vibration of who I really am and what I really want to feel. My passionate self is vibrant, expressive, open, playful and creative and being in New York I was re-awoken to this state of being. My shakti and kundalini energy got aroused to its natural state and who I became in the brief time while I was there, was truly excited about life. Not that I was not excited before, but being in New York brought my zest for life alive and it reminded me that it is definitely where I want to be.
The Costs of a Suppressed City
When coming home to Philadelphia again, I was reminded of the differences of the city, and there are many differences from NY to Philadelphia. The food in Philadelphia is fabulous, the music is unbelievable, the orchestra and parks are wonderful. However, the energy of the city itself is quite different. When I think of Philadelphia, I think of suppression, a heaviness, a weight of dissatisfaction, frustration and a large amount of people who appear to be miserable or for the most part uncomfortable being in their own bodies. People in Philadelphia can be cool, but it takes really getting past their armoring before they will let themselves open up. And, even that doesn't always do it. Being reminded to breathe and let go in every moment isn't easy when you are pressured to go to work, drive in traffic and then come home to your family. It's no wonder people in Philadelphia are suppressed. There is a distinct energy that surrounds the entire city, and everyone who lives in or near it are affected. People can become bitter, angry, sad, depressed, hostile, disinterested in life, running to outlets to make themselves feel better and living a passion-less life.
Who You Are Is Where You Be
I am in Philadelphia, and my family is here and I am not in a position to relocate at the present moment. However, being in Philadelphia, in many aspects I become like what the energy it is we are surrounded by. You become who you hang around, and that even includes the vibration of the environment you are surrounded by. The vibration of Philadelphia is heavy, and I am an empath and intuitive. It would make my light body turn heavy, and my zest for life get dull. And, I am committed to living a powerful, juicy, and sexy life, and who I really am is someone who loves to be fully expressed.
It only reminds me of the openness in NY city and how much it feels like home to me.
After this past weekend, I making a committed effort to make myself available to do sessions regularly in NY city, having a *blast* at night, doing everything I can to make sure I get there every month, and keeping my energy as clear as possible while I am in Philly! And, then sharing who I am, and bringing it to NY, and coming home to Philly regularly, will allow that sexy New York energy to be flourished here. It could create a whole new world in our "City of Love"!
This past weekend I did my 3rd weekend of the ILP in New York City. I never felt so aroused just from going to a different location in my life. Being in the energy of the city awoke my energy to the vibration of who I really am and what I really want to feel. My passionate self is vibrant, expressive, open, playful and creative and being in New York I was re-awoken to this state of being. My shakti and kundalini energy got aroused to its natural state and who I became in the brief time while I was there, was truly excited about life. Not that I was not excited before, but being in New York brought my zest for life alive and it reminded me that it is definitely where I want to be.
The Costs of a Suppressed City
When coming home to Philadelphia again, I was reminded of the differences of the city, and there are many differences from NY to Philadelphia. The food in Philadelphia is fabulous, the music is unbelievable, the orchestra and parks are wonderful. However, the energy of the city itself is quite different. When I think of Philadelphia, I think of suppression, a heaviness, a weight of dissatisfaction, frustration and a large amount of people who appear to be miserable or for the most part uncomfortable being in their own bodies. People in Philadelphia can be cool, but it takes really getting past their armoring before they will let themselves open up. And, even that doesn't always do it. Being reminded to breathe and let go in every moment isn't easy when you are pressured to go to work, drive in traffic and then come home to your family. It's no wonder people in Philadelphia are suppressed. There is a distinct energy that surrounds the entire city, and everyone who lives in or near it are affected. People can become bitter, angry, sad, depressed, hostile, disinterested in life, running to outlets to make themselves feel better and living a passion-less life.
Who You Are Is Where You Be
I am in Philadelphia, and my family is here and I am not in a position to relocate at the present moment. However, being in Philadelphia, in many aspects I become like what the energy it is we are surrounded by. You become who you hang around, and that even includes the vibration of the environment you are surrounded by. The vibration of Philadelphia is heavy, and I am an empath and intuitive. It would make my light body turn heavy, and my zest for life get dull. And, I am committed to living a powerful, juicy, and sexy life, and who I really am is someone who loves to be fully expressed.
It only reminds me of the openness in NY city and how much it feels like home to me.
After this past weekend, I making a committed effort to make myself available to do sessions regularly in NY city, having a *blast* at night, doing everything I can to make sure I get there every month, and keeping my energy as clear as possible while I am in Philly! And, then sharing who I am, and bringing it to NY, and coming home to Philly regularly, will allow that sexy New York energy to be flourished here. It could create a whole new world in our "City of Love"!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
The Patience of a Flower
When a flower is in its beginning stages, it first must take root before it can grow. It first takes the idea/the intention to plant it, then it takes time to develop under the soil and realize the potential it has before it even begins to develop, it takes on a form of its own/an identity and begins to birth an energy within it. Then it slowly has life and starts to sprout from under ground moving its way to the surface, and over time the flower builds a vine, that of which it can stand tall upon, and then it develops its bud, which slowly blooms into a petal and lays out its wings it utter beauty!
When planting a bulb, it takes patience before it turns into a flower. When transforming yourself from your history, trauma and turmoil, it takes the patience of a lion. When transforming yourself in your intimate relationship, it takes the patience of a bull. May we all become lions and bulls with ourselves, each other and our lives!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Awakening Passion With Art
Sometimes when inspiration calls, and there is no time for being alone or with a loved one, one way of expressing yourself is through the arts. And, in my experience, being with my little one, alone in our home, I took to my paint markers. And, in the process I found myself feeling excited for having completed a piece of art, even better that it was starting to look beautiful, and even more so that I did it myself and completed the task at hand.
Art is an excellent tool used for healing and there is a unique therapy specialized in Psychotherapy where some become trained as Art Therapists. I find myself drawn so deeply to Art Therapy and when I am in need of expressing my own passion, and I have a toddler running around to take care of and absolutely no privacy of my own, I like to fall to writing and in today's case, my beautiful paint markers.
I love painting and have not done so in a long time, but it brings up the reminder of how much I love this and brings me in touch with the feelings of excitement and fulfillment just for having done a piece of art. Art in itself is therapeutic to the mind, soothing to the emotions and meditative to the spirit. As much as I can, I'm going to take the rest of today immersed back in my vibrant colors and put my creative passions to use. And, in the process I feel my own passion and excitement for life come back alive, and be filled with expression to another level again!
Friday, June 11, 2010
The Courage To Heal
It takes a lot of courage to look at oneself; to be vulnerable, willing to express your fears, sadness, pain or struggles. Most people would rather keep their fears to themselves, and put on the image of looking good, doing great, and feeling fine, when inside the truth is they are not fine and their desire to look good and be doing great to others is only what's covering up how they are really feeling.
When issues come up in the moment, the most powerful way to get past them is to go through them, not over them, under them or pulling away from them. The best way to overcome something is to dive straight through it.
When anger arises, be with it. Experience your full self as the anger and live into the anger, nurture the anger, caress the anger and allow it to come out of you. Many people who have a lot of anger inside them try to control it and then all of a sudden it bursts out like a canon ball and explodes all over the place. Some people drink or exercise to get rid of the emotion, but it is still there underneath and always will be until it is dealt with, and faced head on.
The best way to be with the anger, is to let it out - - punching pillows, screaming into pillows, doing breathwork that lets the rage/anger/whatever emotion it is come out. Looking at yourself in the mirror and screaming to get it out, punching with fists to express your emotion and stand your ground that this is how you feel and you know it is true for you, no matter what anyone else thinks, and you honor that feeling, be with it, express it, without putting it on anyone else. Then you can be free of it, and it won't affect any of your relationships.
When sadness arises, the best way to heal the sadness is to let the sadness know it is just as important as any other emotion. It has a purpose and reason for being there and it will teach you and help you grow. When healing sadness, love the sadness, nurture it, spend time with it, journaling, doing breathwork, talking about it, sitting in front of the mirror and practicing eye gazing with yourself and breathing into your heart, going for walks in nature, getting a massage/ energy healing/ acupressure or acupuncture session, taking flower essences, and breathing into the sadness, being with it and loving it. It will eventually move through you and you will come back to your integrated full self. And, in the process be able to help others who are going through similar pains.
Sometimes when healing yourself, it is important to take time to be alone. And, sometimes it is also important to have people you can talk to.
Healing in healthy ways, no matter what the issue or feeling you are dealing with, is the most effective and productive way to grow!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Back On Track
I have been immersed in a serious family emergency the past two weeks. My brother has been diagnosed with something very serious and I took on taking action to help him and to get the support he really needs. It took all of my focus and energy; while having very little time to myself, being in an intensive program and having a young child to care for.
My brother has left this morning back to CA and now has all the connections to help take care of him while he is there. While he was here I spent the majority of my time on the phone interviewing and consulting with professionals for his situation. I got myself so pro-active in the situation that I had lost myself in it. I became fearful for his health and well being so much that I forgot to take care of myself.
Now I am coming back to myself, but am still grieving and feeling sadness over his diagnosis, receiving support to come to acceptance in this and in the process am now taking on sessions again!
Thank you and Namaste,
(this is a photo of us 4 years ago)
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
Monday, June 07, 2010
Communication To Create The Intimacy You Really Want!!!
Many people don't realize how powerful communication affects your intimate life. Many take their relationships for granted and expect them to always be the same, doing what they have always been doing. Many don't understand the significance that your words create your reality. Every single word that comes out of your mouth, or that stays quiet, has an impact on the people in your life and the reality you live in. People expect to go walking around life doing what they have always been doing, and expecting to get different results.
All that is necessary in creating the love life of your dreams, is instead of making yourself and your needs a priority, is in making your partner know that they truly matter.
It takes authenticity, integrity, honesty, and being real with your partner, where in the past you have been lying, keeping secrets, putting you first, blaming and making wrong, having expectations, withholding, criticizing, and being defensive. In other words, taking responsibility where you have been irresponsible is all that is necessary in cleaning up your communication and creating the intimacy you truly long for.
If you have been coming home late from work everyday, putting your personal life first, your needs first all the time, not listening to what is important to your partner, and getting mad and defensive at them for being upset about it, you can't expect them to feel loved by you and want to be intimate with you later after all is done and the end of the night is near. Can you? Think about it. You are in a one person relationship when you are doing this, and then expecting your partner to want to have sex with you at the end of the day. It's actually ridiculous if you think about it. All people need validation for how they feel, they want to know that their feelings matter, they want to feel accepted, loved and supported in every way and they want to be made important by you, a priority. However, if sex or any of your other needs is all that matters to you, what your left with is a one hand show.
Learning how to touch your partner, having the most wonderful tantra techniques to give her (or him) the pleasure they want is only beneficial when you have the closeness in their heart, and they are truly open to being with you this way. It is easy to have great sex and beautiful intimacy in the beginning of your relationship, but try taking on being responsible for your actions and your words, and you might just fall in love again. Tantra practices are nothing without the closeness, respect, safety and honesty of your heart. Your relationship is only half of what it can be without true integrity!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Re-directing Your Marriage; Finding Your Lost Commitment
Most of us go along with our lives, doing a job, having a home, and living the mundane life of this conservative world; often forgetting what is most important to you.
Issues and triggers come up in marriage/relationships, and what many do to deal with them is find an escape; a place to go and something to distract them from what is really upsetting them in their hearts. Many think that it is not possible to get to the bottom of their relationship struggles, and in a majority of cases, the partner, significant other, husband and even the wife, will look for an escape route to their biggest pains. There are few brave souls who are willing to do the deeper work, but more often than not, couples feel distant, frustrated, hurt and alone.
How do you find your love again that is hidden inside your heart? You find it by taking responsibility for your actions, your behaviors, your ways of being and being authentically honest with what you are truly feeling; the pain that has turned into resentment, the anger that has turned into rage, and the sadness that has turned into despair. When you can come to the truth of who you are, speak this truth and communicate it verbally or through written letter, a new peace can replace the darkness that you are carrying around with you.
Many come to me looking for an escape, and yes, I can certainly offer you an escape, however, the goal is not to maintain an escape and continue looking for ways of running away, but instead running towards that which you are most fearful of; your own feelings, your own emotions and your hidden self inside your heart. When you can find the truth within you, and be truly authentic about how you've been behaving towards yourself and towards the ones you really love, your true love for your loved ones will return to you, and in your love returning to you, you get to be a different way with those in your lives, and in your being a person who authentically shows love, forgiveness, acceptance and peace towards those you care about the most, they then will give you in return, what you have deeply longed for all along.
My wish for you, is that you learn to be authentic to your own behaviors, take responsibility and allow a new vulnerability with yourself and your loved ones to awaken, and in this awakening, you get everything you ever dreamed of.
Boundaries in Intimacy
As a woman, a Goddess & a Practitioner, I have many distinctions between how I represent myself in my work and how I am for others. I am not here as a replacement for your girlfriend or wife, but I am here to offer Healing, Support and awareness to your own journey.
There have been many moments where I have been in session with clients, and I have had to move the clients arm, or tell them directly, it is not appropriate to touch me in my sacred areas, nor even try to kiss me and that it is not acceptable. There may be other Goddesses who play the role of escort, submissive, or surrogate, but this is not my profession and not something I choose.
I am here as a Goddess Healer, one who helps transform areas of your life that are not working for you, and targets the specific blocks that are keeping you from fully experiencing and enjoying your own body and your ability to receive and give love to others in your life. This is my specialty. I am like Kali Ma, and am here not for you to take on as a lover, but to learn and grow with and transcend, over time, the darkness within yourself that is keeping you from your own pleasure, joy and experience of love.
Boundaries in Intimacy are just what the words speak; if you have a desire, it must be spoken of openly and communicated before any action is taken, and if desires or needs change, then it is imperative to speak again when the new intention arises.
You must always ask permission before taking an action with your Goddess, wife, girlfriend or Beloved, otherwise, it can feel like violation, force, an expectation and in some cases sexually abusive. Women are very sensitive to their bodies, and if no words are spoken before an intimate encounter about the intentions of the engagement, there is no sacredness and there is no trust. And at the other end, when you do ask permission, make a request and set a clear intention of your full desires, needs and how you want to create the encounter, full trust, openness, love and intimacy has the opportunity to be built.
Women are not to be taken advantage of, but to be loved, honored, respected and adored. And, not one woman is an exception.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Unfolding Pleasure
What does it mean when you read the words "Unfolding Pleasure?"
Unfolding Pleasure is about the unlimited ability to unravel and peel the layers of our-self to reveal and awaken the joy, the bliss, the love, the harmony and the pleasure underneath. Our bodies are capable of continuing to release the blocks that we carry around ourselves. And just as our bodies can release these layers, so can our minds, our thoughts, our thinking process, our emotions, our hearts and our entire energy system. When all these parts of our-selves are cleared and released of the darkness held within them, we can then unfold the tight vessel and cocoon that we live in and awaken the butterfly of our true essence.
Unfolding Pleasure is an ever unfolding to our natural abilities, our pure innocence and our innate talents and joys as a human being. If everyone could feel pleasure all the time and be in a state of bliss and joy in every moment, then no work would need to be done and we would almost be walking as if we were a state of an angel that had already transcended. Everyone on the planet has layers to unravel, otherwise, we would not be here.
I welcome you to unfold your layers and be awakened to the bliss that is hidden deep within!
May you always know that your ability to be vulnerable and present to what you are dealing with in the moment, is the exact thing that will give you access to your own power and joy of living!
Monday, May 10, 2010
New Posts Coming Soon!
Communicating With Love; Creating Intimacy With Your Words
Life Enhancement Love Enhancement
Tantra Is Life; The Misconception of the "word" Tantra
Life Enhancement Love Enhancement
Tantra Is Life; The Misconception of the "word" Tantra
Friday, April 23, 2010
Yet Another Breakthrough - Transformation with Love
I am feeling deeply blessed, honored and rewarded today for all the hard work I have been doing to get to this point. As we take responsibility of our actions, and our ways of being, new things can blossom, and in this moment something new has blossomed.
I am in the ILP Program, in other words, Introduction to Leadership Program; which truly is a program that launches one into full blown mastery of their own leadership - nothing light of the subject in the least. It is not like becoming a Leader of a certain craft or a skill, but instead it is a leadership of oneself, a full integration of the entire way one has been their entire life, by facing all that has been keeping you from living as a victim, in denial, and been an observer in life, instead of a mover, a shaker, an initiator and activator of your own dreams, desires and intentions.
In this moment, I am grateful for one thing in particular, but actually for many things. From this work, my relationship with my family and my mom in particular is dynamite; I don't ever remember being as close and connected as we are now. The second thing, I am moving into Leadership as a practitioner in a way I never knew was possible before. I am a stand for all people who come to me to truly get what they need, be inspired, feel loved, supported, nurtured and empowered as a human being. It is not just that I do Spiritual Healing and Coaching for you, but that what I do is help awaken blocked energies and truly open yourself to feel consciousness in areas in the body that were never awake before; be that emotionally, spiritually or physically, from anywhere to anything you can think of!
The third breakthrough I am truly Blessed most of all, is that through this program, I took a stand to be a powerful mom, and in taking this stand a breakthrough has happened with my child's father. What I realized is that I was being a Tiger Lady, righteous in my way of being with him; of course I am the loving gentle Healer with everyone else, but when it came to the person I was the closest to, I was really making him wrong. What I realized is that I was deeply angry for him not committing to me, and in realizing that it was him that I truly wanted, I got that there was no way that he could trust me when all I have been doing is not accepting him. And in now accepting him, he gets to start to build a trust, and a foundation can be built where the commitment I have deeply desired can become manifest in our reality. It will take steps, and continued active supportive communication, but the groundwork has been laid and the seed has been built. For this I am truly grateful!
I am excited that my son is now in school and presently I am available Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10:00am until 5:30pm and on Saturday mornings from 8:30am until 11:30am. In the month of June, my schedule will be changing. I make the announcement when it is confirmed.
With Love, Namaste & Blessings!
I am in the ILP Program, in other words, Introduction to Leadership Program; which truly is a program that launches one into full blown mastery of their own leadership - nothing light of the subject in the least. It is not like becoming a Leader of a certain craft or a skill, but instead it is a leadership of oneself, a full integration of the entire way one has been their entire life, by facing all that has been keeping you from living as a victim, in denial, and been an observer in life, instead of a mover, a shaker, an initiator and activator of your own dreams, desires and intentions.
In this moment, I am grateful for one thing in particular, but actually for many things. From this work, my relationship with my family and my mom in particular is dynamite; I don't ever remember being as close and connected as we are now. The second thing, I am moving into Leadership as a practitioner in a way I never knew was possible before. I am a stand for all people who come to me to truly get what they need, be inspired, feel loved, supported, nurtured and empowered as a human being. It is not just that I do Spiritual Healing and Coaching for you, but that what I do is help awaken blocked energies and truly open yourself to feel consciousness in areas in the body that were never awake before; be that emotionally, spiritually or physically, from anywhere to anything you can think of!
The third breakthrough I am truly Blessed most of all, is that through this program, I took a stand to be a powerful mom, and in taking this stand a breakthrough has happened with my child's father. What I realized is that I was being a Tiger Lady, righteous in my way of being with him; of course I am the loving gentle Healer with everyone else, but when it came to the person I was the closest to, I was really making him wrong. What I realized is that I was deeply angry for him not committing to me, and in realizing that it was him that I truly wanted, I got that there was no way that he could trust me when all I have been doing is not accepting him. And in now accepting him, he gets to start to build a trust, and a foundation can be built where the commitment I have deeply desired can become manifest in our reality. It will take steps, and continued active supportive communication, but the groundwork has been laid and the seed has been built. For this I am truly grateful!
I am excited that my son is now in school and presently I am available Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10:00am until 5:30pm and on Saturday mornings from 8:30am until 11:30am. In the month of June, my schedule will be changing. I make the announcement when it is confirmed.
With Love, Namaste & Blessings!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Visioning The Future
In the past I spoke of starting a Healing Temple and having it be a space for classes, events, gatherings and private sessions, but as I am moving more my true hearts desire for the future, my vision is much larger than this.
What I see is a Healing Temple, Institute & a Community Living center all in one. I envision a large mansion size home separated into parts. The main area of the bottom floor for classes, events, & gatherings. The back of the bottom floor having built an addition with several rooms for private healing sessions. The top floor for community living space for men, women, children, couples and families. or a large area of land with many small buildings contained in a
What I see is a Healing Temple, Institute & a Community Living center all in one. I envision a large mansion size home separated into parts. The main area of the bottom floor for classes, events, & gatherings. The back of the bottom floor having built an addition with several rooms for private healing sessions. The top floor for community living space for men, women, children, couples and families. or a large area of land with many small buildings contained in a
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Purifying the Body
The journey to cleansing and purifying oneself is not an easy task, but so worth it.
When I was in high school, I was an avid athlete. I was on the track team every fall, the swim team every winter, the tennis team every spring and had three young brothers to play the role of tom boy with. I also joined the ski team for fun with my high school and our rival school in the same town every year. I rode a mountain bike, played basketball in the driveway, kicked the soccer ball around, threw the football with my brothers, played ping pong with my mom; who was on the team in college herself, and even tried out for field hockey. I loved sports and kept myself very busy as a young woman.
In my early twenties, I discovered I had multiple cavities one after the next. My teeth had lost their protective coating and I had to go to the dentist to get fillings put in. I did not know anything about the content of the fillings; all I knew is that I needed them.
I discovered soon after, my body went into shock and I had muscle knots everywhere and had a hard time walking. I needed pain relievers but had refused to take them. I lived in the bath tub, and with persistence and struggle found myself going to acupuncturists, chiropractors, massage therapists, the hot tub, steam room & sauna. After about 4 years of committing myself to the natural alternatives to pain, I found myself going to school for Acupressure and Massage. The pain is what lead me on the path. The pain lead me to transform myself inside and out.
About 10 years on this journey later, I discovered what the side effects are of amalgom/mercury heavy metal fillings can do to the body. My heart sank. I cried for tears of joy. A conclusion to a struggle I never knew existed.
I have had 2 fillings taken out and replaced with a healthier alternative so far. The 2nd one I had replaced only one week ago. My body has been a little tired going through a detox, but already I notice a difference. I can carry my son from the car to inside, and I haven't felt the throbbing pain that usually causes me to put him down in a hurry. I can jump into warrior pose without feeling the need to breathe through the pain. A couple days ago, my son ran to me in a sprint, and I picked him up over my head and spun him around, about 4 times in a row. I felt no discomfort. I did, however, feel a little tired. From these small examples, I am super excited, as I know only progress will continue. Soon I'll be doing forward flips off a diving board and on a mat. Oh, I forgot to tell you, I used to be a gymnast. This was one of my favorite things to do. Other benefits of this will be that I'll be able to give much longer and deeper massages, and most likely more often! Only time will tell, but the patience to get where I am now has been well worth it!
Blessings to life!
When I was in high school, I was an avid athlete. I was on the track team every fall, the swim team every winter, the tennis team every spring and had three young brothers to play the role of tom boy with. I also joined the ski team for fun with my high school and our rival school in the same town every year. I rode a mountain bike, played basketball in the driveway, kicked the soccer ball around, threw the football with my brothers, played ping pong with my mom; who was on the team in college herself, and even tried out for field hockey. I loved sports and kept myself very busy as a young woman.
In my early twenties, I discovered I had multiple cavities one after the next. My teeth had lost their protective coating and I had to go to the dentist to get fillings put in. I did not know anything about the content of the fillings; all I knew is that I needed them.
I discovered soon after, my body went into shock and I had muscle knots everywhere and had a hard time walking. I needed pain relievers but had refused to take them. I lived in the bath tub, and with persistence and struggle found myself going to acupuncturists, chiropractors, massage therapists, the hot tub, steam room & sauna. After about 4 years of committing myself to the natural alternatives to pain, I found myself going to school for Acupressure and Massage. The pain is what lead me on the path. The pain lead me to transform myself inside and out.
About 10 years on this journey later, I discovered what the side effects are of amalgom/mercury heavy metal fillings can do to the body. My heart sank. I cried for tears of joy. A conclusion to a struggle I never knew existed.
I have had 2 fillings taken out and replaced with a healthier alternative so far. The 2nd one I had replaced only one week ago. My body has been a little tired going through a detox, but already I notice a difference. I can carry my son from the car to inside, and I haven't felt the throbbing pain that usually causes me to put him down in a hurry. I can jump into warrior pose without feeling the need to breathe through the pain. A couple days ago, my son ran to me in a sprint, and I picked him up over my head and spun him around, about 4 times in a row. I felt no discomfort. I did, however, feel a little tired. From these small examples, I am super excited, as I know only progress will continue. Soon I'll be doing forward flips off a diving board and on a mat. Oh, I forgot to tell you, I used to be a gymnast. This was one of my favorite things to do. Other benefits of this will be that I'll be able to give much longer and deeper massages, and most likely more often! Only time will tell, but the patience to get where I am now has been well worth it!
Blessings to life!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
New Philadelphia Meetup Group
Check out the new meetup group for Philadelphia: Temple of Love Philadelphia!
You will find this same description at the site. Feel free to join if you want to be a part of and notified of groups, gatherings and events!
I started this group to bring together those on the path who want to go deeper, those new to find a place to learn, and those eager for community to have a place to feel love, experience healing and be nurtured in bliss!
The purpose of the group is to help the city of Philadelphia open their hearts, their minds and nurture their soul!
People who are desiring a deeper meaning in life, a feeling of connection and a system of support should join.
Philadelphia has been untapped. There are many places around the world offering Tantra and Philadelphia has been left behind. I have been trained by mentors, gurus and teachers all throughout the world for over 14 years, but my home base is here in Philadelphia. It is time for me to share my rich knowledge of healing and love.
We will explore basic practices of healing up to extremely advanced practices of healing. Each Meetup we will cover something different. Some examples are: Reiki Shares, Reiki Initiation classes, Self Healing Practices, Empowerment For Women, Yin Yoga for Beginners, Yin Yoga for women & Mothers, Massage Gathering, Tantra Study Group, Emotional & Stress Release Techniques, Ascension Meditation Gathering (Raising Your Vibration Gathering), Kundalini Awakening Meditation, Spiritual Play Group (for parents and children), Tantra Dance & more!
All events will also be posted at http://eastcoasttantra.ning.com/ but if you want to stay in touch and be sure to get the updates you need, joining my email list on the main page of the blog under Email signup!
Much Much Love to you!
You will find this same description at the site. Feel free to join if you want to be a part of and notified of groups, gatherings and events!
Temple of Love Philadelphia
The next Gathering will be on Thursday evening, March 25th!
The purpose of the group is to help the city of Philadelphia open their hearts, their minds and nurture their soul!
People who are desiring a deeper meaning in life, a feeling of connection and a system of support should join.
Philadelphia has been untapped. There are many places around the world offering Tantra and Philadelphia has been left behind. I have been trained by mentors, gurus and teachers all throughout the world for over 14 years, but my home base is here in Philadelphia. It is time for me to share my rich knowledge of healing and love.
We will explore basic practices of healing up to extremely advanced practices of healing. Each Meetup we will cover something different. Some examples are: Reiki Shares, Reiki Initiation classes, Self Healing Practices, Empowerment For Women, Yin Yoga for Beginners, Yin Yoga for women & Mothers, Massage Gathering, Tantra Study Group, Emotional & Stress Release Techniques, Ascension Meditation Gathering (Raising Your Vibration Gathering), Kundalini Awakening Meditation, Spiritual Play Group (for parents and children), Tantra Dance & more!
You may find my personal website at www.AwakenToLiving.com and the Philadelphia Temple Practitioner site at www.TempleOfLove.info
See also my Hugging Power Classes at www.HuggingPower.com
Much Much Love to you!
Hugging Power Class went amazing!!!
“ This was a fantastic event! Everyone communicated with me about getting there. Bill and I picked everyone up
due to the snow on his street & communication was excellent and
they were all at the location waiting for us. When we arrived together,
everyone helped with setting up the blankets, & moving things
around to make space in the room.
We all joined together in love, harmony & powerful intentions. We
welcomed ourselves in a circle, and spoke of our intentions, what we were working on in ourselves presently and what we wanted to get out of the group.
We did an amazing energy orgasm meditation & moved into grounding our energies, and then talked about the experience afterwards and what everyone got out of it.
The meditation itself would have sufficed for everyone's satisfaction, but then we moved into
a circle again to do eye gazing and connection with everyone in the
room, and again spoke about the experience when we were complete.
Then I guided everyone to partner up with each person in the room to do a healing embraced hug for healing and
everyone got a chance to give each other a hug. Women to women, women
to men, & men to men. It was a powerful experience for the men in
hugging their brothers and feeling a spiritual non-sexual connection with other men
& being nurtured by the women, & for
women to give and receive. It was awesome! ”
My intention is to have more women at the event next time and for the group to be more balanced. It's time to find some open minded women and help women let down their guards!
See meetup group expanded from:
Classes and meetups will also be announced regularly at:
due to the snow on his street & communication was excellent and
they were all at the location waiting for us. When we arrived together,
everyone helped with setting up the blankets, & moving things
around to make space in the room.
We all joined together in love, harmony & powerful intentions. We
welcomed ourselves in a circle, and spoke of our intentions, what we were working on in ourselves presently and what we wanted to get out of the group.
We did an amazing energy orgasm meditation & moved into grounding our energies, and then talked about the experience afterwards and what everyone got out of it.
The meditation itself would have sufficed for everyone's satisfaction, but then we moved into
a circle again to do eye gazing and connection with everyone in the
room, and again spoke about the experience when we were complete.
Then I guided everyone to partner up with each person in the room to do a healing embraced hug for healing and
everyone got a chance to give each other a hug. Women to women, women
to men, & men to men. It was a powerful experience for the men in
hugging their brothers and feeling a spiritual non-sexual connection with other men
& being nurtured by the women, & for
women to give and receive. It was awesome! ”
My intention is to have more women at the event next time and for the group to be more balanced. It's time to find some open minded women and help women let down their guards!
See meetup group expanded from:
Classes and meetups will also be announced regularly at:
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Creating Sacred Space
As a mom living alone with my son, running my practice alone and working 3 days a week, it is my intention to have a sacred space to offer the sessions I love with a vision of beauty, clarity and cleanliness. It was my intention, as a new years resolution, to find an assistant, and to support me in starting my tantra temple & a vision of a home that reflects a healing space.
I have moved all of my child's toys, books and items into his own room and made room for the living room that is in view when people enter my space to be cleanly. I have moved the boxes of paperwork that were on the floor and made it appear to be a mess, to a place that is hidden from view. I also moved a leather chair that was in my child's room to the living room which now makes it feel more cozy and comfortable to relax in for friends and company.
Everything that was in the hallway is now gone except for a couple bags I intend to give to someone in need. In the process of turning my child's room from a baby's room to a little boy's room, I will be removing the crib, high chair and changing table and bringing in a bunk bed, a small table to the floor for playing and eating and a toy box. I am turning a small room that had little use except for storage and changing into something that will make my whole place a lot nicer and more of a joy for my little guy to indulge in.
Blessings to being in order and having a life of comfort!
I have moved all of my child's toys, books and items into his own room and made room for the living room that is in view when people enter my space to be cleanly. I have moved the boxes of paperwork that were on the floor and made it appear to be a mess, to a place that is hidden from view. I also moved a leather chair that was in my child's room to the living room which now makes it feel more cozy and comfortable to relax in for friends and company.
Everything that was in the hallway is now gone except for a couple bags I intend to give to someone in need. In the process of turning my child's room from a baby's room to a little boy's room, I will be removing the crib, high chair and changing table and bringing in a bunk bed, a small table to the floor for playing and eating and a toy box. I am turning a small room that had little use except for storage and changing into something that will make my whole place a lot nicer and more of a joy for my little guy to indulge in.
Blessings to being in order and having a life of comfort!
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Hugging Power Class
Hugging Power Class is like a Yoga class, but instead of asanas it is tantra yoga practices of eye gazing, breathing practices, energy movement with awareness and the breath and slow connection of hugging from selecting someone in the room with your eyes. It will be an opportunity to heal and break down barriers that keep people distant and letting down walls of intimacy; for the present moment and the future.
We will talk about present concerns, issues, needs or boundaries and then move into the class. You may also choose to be an observer and witness the class before choosing to participate.
It will be an hour and 1/2 or 2 of this and then people are welcome, if they choose, to move into hugging and cuddling on the floor. I will start out with a gentle meditation, a chakra opening meditation, a kundalini raising meditation, or a sexual chakra meditation. It depends on the audience and their energy and experience.
1st class is free, unless you choose to donate!
The class is scheduled for Friday night, Feb. 19th from 7:30 until we're done!
Feel free to RSVP at the meetup group or East Coast Tantra below!
All classes are done in a group setting with an average of 10 to 20 people.
Hugs are safe and create connection and healing
in a way never taught before.
See also www.HuggingPower.com
Friday, January 29, 2010
The Yin & Yang of Energy
Balancing energies of our own energy body vehicle; our inner selves with our outer selves is what will ultimately allow others to achieve the state of ecstatic bliss one often reads about.
Our inner selves is our mind, our thoughts and our emotions, as well as the energy within our bodies. This includes the energy in our muscle tissues, our fibers, our meridian channels, our spinal column, our organs and most importantly the chakras up and down our bodies. The Tantra Kundalini Awakening Breathwork practice or practices can allow some of this energy to be opened, but it is also important to do personal psychotherapy on oneself, as well as chakra meditations, energy healing and any modalities to release the energy within the body.
As the energy within is opened, purified and cleansed the wave of bliss can flow more easily up and down your energy channel, as well as in and out of your pores, your breath and your chakras.
Our outer selves; the energy around the body, the auric field, the energy body or whatever you wish to call it also needs to be purified. As the energy outside your physical body is cleansed it allows you to feel more of your sensations on your physical body. The chakras reside within the body and outside the body, so it is important to clear the entire chakra; not just inside, but also outside, and intend, visualize and imagine it pure. As you see areas of darkness, ask for it to be released, ans visualize the beautiful color of that chakra radiating its beauty.
As your entire energy field around your body is cleared, there becomes a synchronistic flow of energy that waves from within your body to the outside, and from the top of your body to the bottom. In and out, up and down, and flows all around. As this energy is clear, all possibilities and energy flowing can be achieved, and this then is the state we all wish to feel, experience and aliven. It allows a deep feeling of ecstasy and bliss that most only read about and few have the privilege of achieving.
This is what I teach. This is what I offer. I offer you balance; from within to without and the flow of energy you carry to be cleared, purified and then awakened to the state of pure utter energetic ecstasy! This is my gift to you!
Our inner selves is our mind, our thoughts and our emotions, as well as the energy within our bodies. This includes the energy in our muscle tissues, our fibers, our meridian channels, our spinal column, our organs and most importantly the chakras up and down our bodies. The Tantra Kundalini Awakening Breathwork practice or practices can allow some of this energy to be opened, but it is also important to do personal psychotherapy on oneself, as well as chakra meditations, energy healing and any modalities to release the energy within the body.
As the energy within is opened, purified and cleansed the wave of bliss can flow more easily up and down your energy channel, as well as in and out of your pores, your breath and your chakras.
Our outer selves; the energy around the body, the auric field, the energy body or whatever you wish to call it also needs to be purified. As the energy outside your physical body is cleansed it allows you to feel more of your sensations on your physical body. The chakras reside within the body and outside the body, so it is important to clear the entire chakra; not just inside, but also outside, and intend, visualize and imagine it pure. As you see areas of darkness, ask for it to be released, ans visualize the beautiful color of that chakra radiating its beauty.
As your entire energy field around your body is cleared, there becomes a synchronistic flow of energy that waves from within your body to the outside, and from the top of your body to the bottom. In and out, up and down, and flows all around. As this energy is clear, all possibilities and energy flowing can be achieved, and this then is the state we all wish to feel, experience and aliven. It allows a deep feeling of ecstasy and bliss that most only read about and few have the privilege of achieving.
This is what I teach. This is what I offer. I offer you balance; from within to without and the flow of energy you carry to be cleared, purified and then awakened to the state of pure utter energetic ecstasy! This is my gift to you!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Unveiling the Eyes
Philadelphia is filled with people who are armored, on the defense, ready to attack or always in fear that they themselves will be. Out of everywhere in the world, where we reside, in Philadelphia, is known to be the most angry, hostile and scared human beings. The theme is success, wealth and looking good. Most are open to yoga and know of it, as it is a practice that many think is strictly about toning the body and getting in shape. However, there are other levels to yoga that are not as known. Yoga offers healing that can open the heart at a level no other physical exercise can offer.
When people cross by each other on the street, there are very few who will take the time to look into your eyes; even fewer smile out of courtesy to be polite. It is a rare occasion that someone driving will wait for you as you pull your car out of a spot or slowly get into your spot while you attempt to parallel park. Many are impatient, rude, always rushing, in a hurry to get to x, y, and z; often not even knowing why they are in such a hurry.
In the practice of eye gazing, there is a window of opportunity that allows you to be met with love, creating intimacy with another just for the pure innocence of loving. Like the affection from a mother caressing her baby with love as she gazes at her child; that feeling of being in love with your baby that a parent often feels is the same unconditional love that can be created through eye gazing.
As you look into anothers eyes, and are met with the same persistent gaze of commitment as the person looking at you, the wall of defense, the armor that our eyes can sometimes live in, is given an opportunity to melt away. The eyes are the window to the soul, and I like to view them as an extension of the heart. As you sit in the eye gazing meditation with another, the tears of armor has a chance to be revealed, released and dropped away. Literally tears can sometimes arrive; not as a sign of weakness that you have sadness, but rather, a courage that you are willing to be seen and hold presence for or from another, and the tears symbolize that armoring falling away. As the armor falls away, from our eyes/from our hearts, a deeper connection of intimacy has a chance to be created; a feeling of safety, of love, of beauty, of pure connection to another. Only through being vulnerable and allowing oneself to be seen, be met, be grounded in anchoring your heart to the earth with the connection to another is the opportunity for deep connection of intimacy allowed to be manifest.
So love, let your love in, let others love you, and open yourself to allowing the truth of your heart to give to others in love. There is no greater gift on this planet than love. It is what everyone desires!
All my Love,
When people cross by each other on the street, there are very few who will take the time to look into your eyes; even fewer smile out of courtesy to be polite. It is a rare occasion that someone driving will wait for you as you pull your car out of a spot or slowly get into your spot while you attempt to parallel park. Many are impatient, rude, always rushing, in a hurry to get to x, y, and z; often not even knowing why they are in such a hurry.
In the practice of eye gazing, there is a window of opportunity that allows you to be met with love, creating intimacy with another just for the pure innocence of loving. Like the affection from a mother caressing her baby with love as she gazes at her child; that feeling of being in love with your baby that a parent often feels is the same unconditional love that can be created through eye gazing.
As you look into anothers eyes, and are met with the same persistent gaze of commitment as the person looking at you, the wall of defense, the armor that our eyes can sometimes live in, is given an opportunity to melt away. The eyes are the window to the soul, and I like to view them as an extension of the heart. As you sit in the eye gazing meditation with another, the tears of armor has a chance to be revealed, released and dropped away. Literally tears can sometimes arrive; not as a sign of weakness that you have sadness, but rather, a courage that you are willing to be seen and hold presence for or from another, and the tears symbolize that armoring falling away. As the armor falls away, from our eyes/from our hearts, a deeper connection of intimacy has a chance to be created; a feeling of safety, of love, of beauty, of pure connection to another. Only through being vulnerable and allowing oneself to be seen, be met, be grounded in anchoring your heart to the earth with the connection to another is the opportunity for deep connection of intimacy allowed to be manifest.
So love, let your love in, let others love you, and open yourself to allowing the truth of your heart to give to others in love. There is no greater gift on this planet than love. It is what everyone desires!
All my Love,
Monday, January 18, 2010
Session Preparation
***What to do before a Session!!!***
There are several things you can do to prepare yourself before a session.
First there is preparing the mind:
You could start with educating yourself on several subjects.
The Mastery of Love, by; Don Miguel Ruiz
The Awakening of Kundalini, by: Gopi Krishna
Tantra; the Art of Conscious Loving, by: Charles & Caroline Muir
Jewel in the Lotus; The Sexual Path to Higher Consciousness, by: Sunyata Saraswati & Bodhi Avinasha
Second there is preparing the body:
- You could go and get a regular massage at a salon or any practitioner of your choice. (or you could get an extended session with me and choose any massage techniques I offer at http://asttartedeva.com/#/massage-therapy/4551711308)
- Take a yoga class; any you are drawn to, vinyasa yoga, ashthanga yoga, bikram yoga, yin yoga, hatha yoga, kripalu yoga, iyengar yoga, power yoga, classic yoga, any yoga for beginners, athletes, or anything that inspires you. (I am also happy to offer you a private 1 hr yoga class before our session)
- Take a tantra workshop in NY, NJ or join the beginnings of the tantra community here in Philadelphia for training you into the practices of tantra. These will be announced and are by invitation only. (check out my friends at templeoflove.info. Pamela is only in Frenchtown, NJ and Anita is offering classes in NJ or here in philly with me.)
- Receive a breathwork session in rebirthing with Irene at returntocenter.net, the Philadelphia Rebirthing Center or a referral through Dhyana-Yoga.com, yogaonmain.com or several others I know. You are welcome to ask me.
- See also the links page at my temple site templeoflove.info
And, third there is preparing the spirit:
- A regular routine of a meditation on the breath, the chakras, the energy field or cleansing the mind or spirit would be an excellent practice to do before a session. I will add a post on a chakra meditation to this blog or my main site (I may choose to make my AwakenToLiving blog a 10 page site, instead of 5 and add this post plus expand it as a separate page on my site since it is very needed in Philadelphia. Many dive into tantra without knowing how to prepare or knowing that it is necessary to have a full experience). Any of the practices here will also prepare you.
You are also welcome to join my huggingpower.com classes as they are now in the birthing process and will continue getting stronger throughout the year. Locations will be announced soon.
Friday, January 01, 2010
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