Tantra for Your Whole Life; Removing what is in the way of experiencing joy, pleasure, peace and love!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
A true Tantrica's Journey
It took me 5 years of being on this Tantra Path to put words to this journey, but a warning or perhaps a reminder, that this is, if you choose to truly embark on the depth of what tantra offers you, the most challenging journey you could travel.
(Meaning if you truly do the tantra practices exactly as they are meant to be done. There are milder versions of them if you are not ready, which I teach as well, but being a Goddess and Tantra Practitioner, I don't play small. I dive in and do them exactly as they are meant to be done. Yes, I used to have that old sticker on my car as a teenager and young 20s girl NO FEAR! Well, you literally have to have No Fear when you dive into Tantra, because diving into tantra IS like diving into the deep end of a pool, your own pool that is of your own self; the shadow self of the unconscious mind.)
I was in this blissful place over the summer. I was feeling really good, excited about life, making goals and starting to work on them (i.e. one of them was to start a Tantra Community here in Philadelphia with a huge list of details to go underneath it to make it happen). I was in the SELP course through Landmark Education. I was doing my private sessions to the best of my ability with a 3 day a week schedule from taking care of my toddler half the week. I was pretty much high on life. And, then, all of a sudden, I made a drastic decision. I decided to go to my semi-annual Tantra Community event with my tantra family. We met in NY in the middle of nowhere, 2 hours west of the city, at this bed and breakfast place. There was about 35 or 40 people total at this event. It was pretty cold, and few wanted to drive (I was one of maybe 4 or five people who drove), and the rest took a shuttle bus from NY city. Some flew in from out West; actually most flew in from AZ, CA, and other places in the US. But this is my tantra family, or what I consider my tantra family, and I wanted to be with them.
The cat that threw my reality off kilter was my beloved, amazing that is, Tantra Teacher & Practitioner, Lawrence Lanoff. This guy is the most evolved man I have met on this planet. Talk about wisdom and transformation. If you want to change anything in your life, and throw yourself into a gutter of darkness to face whatever patterns have kept you from avoiding the reason why you are miserable or frustrated in your current situation; this guy will throw you off your rocker and turn your whole world around. That's what he did for me; in the mildest of expressions!!!! I did a breathwork exercise with him in NY, this past Oct. And, every time I go to a Conference, he leads a new breathwork exercise I learn at the conference, usually in Sedona, AZ in the spring and somewhere on the East Coast in the fall. And, he blows my mind; literally. Now, what's good is that I can take these teachings and then turn them over and teach them all to you, which I have done over the years, but this time, his teaching, and my taking it on, threw me in a whirlwind, of the deepest depression I have ever been in my life. I went into my own darkness. It's the core of the pit of your own armoring that is carrying your body frame in its particular way of holding patterns, the way you walk, your mannerisms, the way you stand and hold your posture, the way your head turns on a certain angle and how you look at the world and how the world then looks at you. ALL OF THIS, LET ME TELL YOU COMPLETELY CHANGES FROM WORKING WITH THIS MAN!!!
I then did my powerful Tantra Breathwork, which I call Tantra Psychotherapy, practices of Tantra I learned from Laurie Handlers, years ago, to release all of the deep emotions that came up from Lawrence Lanoff's powerful tantra breathwork exercise. Now, each of the breathing exercises are COMPLETELY different, and they all do completely different things!!! How do you compute that? Well, if you really tried it, you would know what I'm talking about!!! So, I used Laurie's Butterfly Workshops Tantra exercises to release what came up (rage, sadness, depression, sorrow, misery, confusion, paranoia, etc), which took about 2 months of doing all these practices religiously and then 3 days ago did Lawrence Lanoff's powerful breathing practice again, and WHAMMMM, would you know, I am feeling wildly passionate, energetic and open as ever again. Like the tiger prowess coming back to life. This Tantra path makes you think you have some serious emotional issues, but in actuality, what it does it remove those serious emotional feelings that cause you to live in a rut and unhappy with your life. They appear to be even more powerful than Psychotherapy itself, but I will not negate psychotherapy at all; however, the combination is mind blowing, and if your heart is closed, you are living in fear, have some scars from abuse, or frustrated in a relationship, and you take tantra to heart, and truly use the practices to help you, it will not only help you. It will liberate your entire body, and your entire soul!
God Bless You, and I hope for you that you do the practices to empower yourself, but be sure to have a practitioner by your side, at the phone, or contact in any way you can for support while your life shows up in your face and makes you look at yourself at what you have been covering for years. You can heal your whole life with Tantra. I am living proof of that!
I am now back, alive, open, awake in my heart, body and soul! And, it feels damn good to be here!
Happy Holidays!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Erotic Literary Salon
The founder said she felt like she just did Breath Aerobics, and someone else said that they were brought to tears! I was as loud as I am in private session, and kept my eyes closed and did the exercise with as much passion as always! It was excellent!!!!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Check out my New Ultimate Treatment Program Plans!
Long Term Treatment Plans Available
The Ultimate Spiritual Healing Bliss Pamper Treatment
30 minutes of Consultation
30 minutes of Hug Therapy
1 hour of Reiki or other form of Energy Healing
1 hour of Shiatsu Massage, Jin Shin Do or Thai Yoga Massage Bodywork
A Total of 3 hours of Bliss!
$240 to $300 sliding scale depending on circumstance.
This breaks down to at best $80.00 an hour. A maximum total of $210.00 savings
The Ultimate Tantra Healing Ecstasy Pamper Treatment
30 minutes of Consultation
30 minutes of Hug Therapy
30 minutes of Reiki or other form of Energy Healing
20 minutes of a guided Tantra Breathwork Practice and Instructions of how to do it
(specific breathing practice will be chosen depending on goals and issues that are
communicated during the consultation)
1 hour of Deep Tissue Massage, Shiatsu, Thai Massage, Jin Shin Do or Tantric Massage
while incorporating the breathing practice taught prior to the start of the massage
A Total of 3 hours of Ecstasy!
$300 to $400 sliding scale depending on circumstances
This breaks down to at best $100.00 an hour. A maximum total of $150.00 savings
The Ultimate Emotional Healing Tantric Psychotherapy Treatment
30 minutes of Consultation, or longer if needed
10 minutes of Eye Gazing Deep Breathing Practice
30 minutes of Energy Balancing, Chakra Balancing, Chanting Emotional Release
& Energy Balancing Technique
30 minutes +/- of EFT, Matrix Work, IET (Integrated Energy Therapy) or Sound Therapy (screaming primal animal sounds, punching the floor or air in front of you while releasing anger, sounds and facial expressions, to Powerful Emotional Release Shamanic Puking Exercise!
1 hour of Tantra Shamanic Breathwork, Ocean Breath or Powerful Guided Kundalini Awakening Breath from my Master Teacher (several kinds available to use)
Will Total to 3 Hours of Complete Awakening!
Excellent for those who are ready to take on their emotions, willing to admit their anger or sadness, and want to be empowered to be free of their feelings!
Also fantastic for those going through major changes and transitions in their lives, or for those who are willing to step up to the next level of their evolution!
$300 to $400 sliding scale depending on circumstances
This breaks down to at best $100.00 an hour. A maximum total of $150.00 savings
Also see the
The Ultimate Spirit Energy Alignment Healing Treatment
The Ultimate Physical Stress Body Pampering Treatment
The Ultimate Tantra Workout Energizing Treatment
See original source on my site Awaken To Living at Awaken To Bliss!!!!!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Business Goals, Personal Goals & Leadership
As I completed the Landmark Curriculum for Living and as they exclaimed, "You Graduated" on Oct. 28, 2009, I came to many of the awareness's I wrote in a previous blog on here. My most recent course was called The Self Expression and Leadership Program, and in this course, you create a project to make manifest in your life and most intimately in your community. It gives you a chance to see where in your life you are stopped from taking the action steps to make your goals and dreams a reality. And, in seeing where you get stopped in doing the responsible tasks for this project you create, you also see where you get stopped in taking the steps you need to make possible for your personal life. In doing this program, it was not about the project, for me, but it was about my life, my role in my life, and who I have become as a participant in it. It made me look at myself in the most profound, yet most fulfilling ways, that I couldn't help but evolve and grow as a person. For many in this program it brought people to a place of living their dreams. However, some people have layers to peel, as I do. In the end, it taught me what my patterns were that were destructive and unhealthy and that I knew deep inside myself I wanted to change. Those patterns I discovered were in the previous blog, however, with this awareness comes new action steps for making those goals a reality.
This is where my next step in evolution comes in. I registered for the Introduction to Leadership Program for March of 2010 and was accepted. I am so excited to start this program. It is a 7 month commitment, every Friday evening, and one other 3 hour commitment every week wherever you can fit it in. I will be doing that other 3 hour commitment on Wednesday evenings. This program is about your life. It is the beginning training program to all Leadership programs in Landmark Education, and the program that everyone who wants to become Leaders in Landmark need to take; however, it also creates a real possibility of becoming leaders in the world as well. You become empowered and fulfilled on what really matters to people. It causes and sees that what matters to you and what you are here for happens. It is about getting completely and totally resolved in every area of your life you are stopped, where you are resigned, resentful, or any other emotion that keeps you from living the life of your dreams. The 5 main areas it affects are - 1. Remarkable Contribution to the world, 2. Full Blown Self Expression, 3. A Future of Extraordinary Accomplishment, 4. Bold Leadership and 5. Representing Landmark Education.
My goals since I was a little girl was to be a writer, a singer and an actress. In taking on this next step in Landmark Education, my dream is to make one of these parts of my soul truly manifested. If I only accomplish one of those three things, I will feel complete in this lifetime.
During this break from the graduation of the SELP to the start of the ILP, I am working on healing myself at an extremely profound level. I am facing the darkness and preparing my heart, body and soul, for the next huge initiation phase I will be taking on; a role in Leadership in helping others heal themselves in areas I had to overcome. Even though I am still healing, it doesn't stop me from helping those who need me, and it gives me a reminder that I have so much to offer.
My hope by the end of the ILP program is that I will have started the hugging classes, started to teach Yoga classes, created a Play Group for my son, and be well on my way to being published.
All my Love,
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Tantra and Spiritual Healing - My Journey
This journey has not been an easy one. I, as a practitioner, got into this work for many multifaceted reasons that spirit gave me a huge kick in the ass, and made sure I heard the message loud and clear. If I did not listen I do not know where I would be right now.
I stumbled upon this journey when I had a major accident back in 1994. I fell on my head in a mosh pit at a concert called Lollopalluza, that if it wasn't for some miracle of a person's hand grabbing my ankle, I may have been paralyzed. However, due to the fact that I had been a major athlete all throughout high school, my muscles were ripped from my head to my toes, and this fall alone, caused all of my muscles to tweak their direction, and my entire ribcage was tilted, my spine forced sideways almost causing a scoliosis effect, and my neck being unable to hold itself up straight and look forward without turning it on an angle towards my shoulder. I slept for one whole year in bed all night long, with my knees bent, buttocks on my heels and my head rested on the pillow. At the time, I had never heard of chiropractic. I had only been cracking my own spine whenever I felt the urge or the pain too difficult to sit with it. I did this cracking of my spine on my own for three years, until I returned home from living out in MO, and stumbled upon the journey of what my roommate at the time called the miracle chiropractic treatment. I had never been to a chiropractor before, and did not know anything about it. This then lead into the beginning of my spiritual healing journey, and my initial reason in starting it; my health.
My initial reason for starting my journey was to heal the intense and insane amount of pain in my back; mostly what I called grapefruit sized muscle knots that spasm-ed every hour or every half an hour uncontrollably without warning and with very few breaks in between. The original chiropractor I saw put my spine back in a normal alignment, however, with a normal alignment and the intense tightness that my muscles were carrying, my muscles had no idea of how to relax from the complete solid fascia, and the crooked place my rib cage and spine wanted to stay in. I later called this muscle spasm attack fibromyalgia. This muscle spasm adventure lasted about 3 years of excruciating pain, and 4 more years after that of medium pain, to two years after that mild pain, and as of the past 3 years, no pain except on very far and few occasions. Now it is manageable, and the most I need to go to the chiropractor is once every month or two. And believe it or not, chakra balancing meditations and tantra breathwork practices will often get rid of the pain and instead bring me bliss.
My conclusion as to why I had this pain in my body is not because of an accident at a concert, but because of a lifelong journey of child abuse that was energetically stored in my muscle tissues. If I had never had that accident, I may not have ever known that I needed to heal what had happened to me as a young girl, and the role I took on in order to survive.
After coming to a place of balance, or a manageable situation with my muscles, I then stumbled upon Tantra. This was the next level of my intense healing journey.
The Tantra path helped me to create deeper connection to a boyfriend I was with when I first discovered it. Then it helped me to really let him go after the relationship ended. Then the Tantra practices helped me to open up myself to polyamory or open relationships so I could enjoy many different types of people and release the fear of abandonment, and the jealousy and possessiveness that most monogamous relationships are stuck in. This lead me into taking on the role as a Sacred Sexual Healer and Dakini. The powerful Tantra practices also helped me to be open to letting go of any guilt I may have had for allowing myself to be intimate with more than one lover at a time. It was very helpful when dealing with a serious relationship that did not fulfill me in my desires or needs, but where the love was still there and the relationship wanted to continue, however, with letting go of any expectations that it would give me what I wanted. It also allowed me the ability to function when the current partner wanted space and needed to be on his own.
Once I began the Tantra path, a rape happened. This was a reminder that I had not completed the rapes that happened during my high school, and that perhaps the core underlying the rape was not about a physical violation, but more about an energetic violation from the parents who were supposed to have taken care of and offered me, a young child at the time, a level of love all children need and deserve. The Tantra path, EMDR in Psychotherapy and the Landmark Education program healed me completely of the rape. However, after all these years, a new layer of healing is needed; a long awaited journey of healing the wounds from severe child abuse; where a deep long term relationship with any other human being obviously distracts me from facing, as merging with another fulfills my need for love temporarily. However, the frustration of the abusive relationship only keeps me in the pattern of avoiding why I attracted them in the first place. Giving myself the love that I need, filling the void that has been attempted to be filled by those unable to love, and getting completely healed at the core with the abuse from my mom and grandmother and absence from my father is where the power lies. My journey is in becoming the parents I wish I had, and being powerful enough to end the family history of abuse, and be a stand to love my own child in a way I wish I was. This is now where I stand.
After returning home from the Sacred Sexual Healers Conference this past Oct. 2009, I realized the deep patterns that I had been living in all these years. I learned how to love others as my way of dealing with the lack of love I had received. I learned that by loving others, I got a small amount of love that my heart was aching for. I did not know I was living in this pattern for the past 20 years until the past 2 months. My ability to love is so powerful, yet I have never truly been loved myself. I realized that I sought out men who were so in need of love, that I deprived myself the opportunity to receive it. I tried loving the poison out of these men, as my desperate attempt to receive love, from people who obviously were completely incapable of giving it.
I have chosen to take a step back, and no longer enter the realm of relationship with another; taking a break and instead protect my own energy to where it once got distracted by merging with another. Most of those who have entered my life have been seriously abusive and unable of giving me love in return, and my desire is in no longer being someone's mother to nurture and take care of, but instead attracting someone who meets me at the same intensity of love that I have to offer. I have chosen to use my Tantra practice recently as a means of facing the deep pain of the abuse from my childhood, and re-enter therapy with a specialist who treats specifically adults who were abused as children. I am now writing my story; my wild, vivacious, entertaining and dramatic story of going from a healthy relationship in high school, to the past 5 seriously abusive relationships, the start of my spiritual journey and more recently, how Tantra has been a God send and a miracle for me in my Healing.
I am still offering these amazing sessions in Tantra, as I use Tantra as a tool for empowerment, love, and full body expression and bliss. This is the reason for my choosing to help others find a way to start a spiritual path. This journey of spiritual healing has been a savior to me on a million levels and I have a very wild, entertaining and powerful healing story to share. My hope is that in writing my story, I will continue the process of writing it, and in the end, have a book to publish!
Tantra is a path that gives us tools to heal ourselves, love ourselves and receive love from another. Tantra is Intimacy at its deepest level, and the more we face our dark sides in what it is we are struggling with and facing on the inside, the more our outside world receives the benefit. Tantra is a gift to life, and with the right knowledge and education in how to use it, can create miracles in yours. There is no greater form of healing than intimacy and love, and with the breath, we can move deeper into love and deeper into intimacy. Sometimes what we first think is our greatest fear, ends up being our greatest pleasure!
See my Intimacy Therapy, Intimacy Coaching, Hug Therapy, Tantra Shamanic Breathwork, Kundalini Awakening Breathwork, Awakening Tantra Consciousness and more Tantra practices on my professional website on the page Awaken To Bliss. These practices, in my opinion, are the most powerful, and have contributed to my own journey in the most profound ways!
My spiritual blog is here!
I'm also on facebook at www.facebook.com/asttartedeva
Updating Updates - The Joy of Full Expression!
You are welcome to read all of my updates, only those on the Awaken To Bliss page, or just browse as you feel so inspired.
I have been evolving as a person and in doing so, my insight as a Practitioner is accelerating, becoming more professional, and given me the space to see what is important to me, what is not, and given me room to offer a bigger picture of what this work is truly about.
I have taken on this path, which started in 1996, and used it to expand my psychic and intuitive gifts, then studied extensively different modalities of massage, and then merged these basic principals as well as important and advanced ones, with the very dark and confused understanding of Tantra. My goal is to educate others in the power of healing on all of these levels, and with my commitment to this work, I hope to not only give people a sense of relief in a one time moment, but to help them start a journey of empowerment, deep love, and ignite the possibility of a spiritual awakening!
All my Love to you,
Hug Therapy
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Poem for Pleasure
Pleasure With All Your Clothes On
Empower yourself
Awaken Your Body
Awaken Your Mind
With your Breath
Your Breath Alone
Your Breath
Breathe, into stillness
Breathe into bliss
Breathe into your pain
Breathe into yourself
And watch, notice, feel
All of your sensations heightened
Feel all of you
Excitement of your senses
Be in touch with spirit
Let your spirit be touched
Your breath is the miracle to your healing
Your breath is the miracle to your pain
Your breath is the miracle to your pleasure
Full body, standing alone, all your clothes on kind of pleasure
Just stand and watch yourself be ignited with pleasure
As you breathe into your own ecstasy of the divine......
SO simple
Yet, so profound.
With Love, Asttarte
Friday, November 27, 2009
New Requirements for Sessions from my Tantra Coaching site
The practices on this site will get your mind, heart, spirit & soul ready to be open to a full body bliss experience, and in time when spirit guides me to do deeper work with you, we will be guided together in our session.
A quote I like from an email I wrote explaining this:
"Teaching people who are just starting their path of spirituality and tantra the basics, so they don't hit their head on the wall and fall down before they have a chance to start to climb!"
A friend of mine explained it like this:
"If you feed a man he's full for a day. If you teach him to fish, he's full for life!"
The Sessions on this site are for those who are advanced on their spiritual path. If you have absolutely no spiritual healing experience, with my guidance, together, we will get you started on your spiritual journey. We will spend some time in training and healing yourself in spiritual practices for a serious length of time to help open you up energetically, spiritually, emotionally and physically. I am an Advanced Healer, and together with your commitment and desire, we will help you evolve! These Sessions are for Advanced Students of Spirituality. If you have not started a spiritual journey but want to work with me, then starting a journey or being willing to is your direct solution to achieve the desire you want!
See the page Awaken To Bliss at AwakenToLiving.com
Thursday, November 12, 2009
New Additions to my Coaching Site
- Please read my AwakenToLiving site thoroughly before scheduling an appointment.
- New testimonials have been added to the site.
- Additional FAQs have been added to the site - starting half way down the page at: What if I am afraid of receiving a session with you, nervous or unsure of how it will help me?
Friday, October 16, 2009
If You Don't Know What Your Intention Is, or how Tantra or Sex & Intimacy Coaching Can Help you!
Perhaps this is you: "I don't know what my intention is and I don't know how to figure out what it is." Here are some possible scenarios:
1). You are married and are feeling completely disconnected from your wife. You want to connect to her but you don't understand why she is disinterested in sex with you. You've tried everything you can think of, and your struggling in your mind about what direction to take. You're feeling at a loss and completely dis-empowered in your marriage. You love her deeply, but don't feel as though you're getting through to her.
2). You are single and alone. You are feeling very lonely, although you are afraid of letting yourself be open to a new partner. You've been deeply hurt in the past, and you are afraid to be hurt again. You feel as though you tried as hard as you could and the partners in your past didn't appreciate you, or recognize the good things you offered in the relationship. You feel fed up, frustrated, hurt and alone, and you are looking for a way to change how you behave in a relationship, the pain from the past, and your ability to be open to someone new.
3). You're in a relationship but are feeling completely frustrated and dissatisfied... continued on site.
See more at my Tantra site www.AwakenToLiving.com on the page Intimacy Coaching. For men or women!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Pleasuring a Woman
Women are like flowers. They need to be touched with gentleness and love. However, before the approach of taking on pleasuring a woman, you must first do several of these things:
- Make sure you're asking her at the right time. Be sure she is not undergoing a lot of stress, and if so, support her if she lets you. Be a listening ear, or a shoulder to cry on.
- Once she is feeling at her relaxed state, request to give her a massage
- Ask her permission to touch her in every place you want to touch. She will appreciate your asking and this will help her to feel loved, respected and valued as a woman.
- Be sure to maintain a conscious connection of love through eye gazing and tantric breathing practices. If you have difficulty looking into her eyes, practice beforehand by looking into your own eyes in the mirror. Spend at least 15 minutes to 30 minutes practicing this beforehand. Once you feel more comfortable, pleasure her with your glance and love through your eyes. If tantric breathing practices is a new term for you, do some google searching or seek out a good book, video or your favorite tantric practitioner to help you.
- Allow her to communicate her needs and desires.
- Be willing to listen to her, and really be present to her speaking and to your listening. Really be interested in what she has to say, otherwise, she will feel your distraction and disinterest and you may not get any further than asking to touch her. She might just say no.
Once she agrees, start to massage her from the feet up. Don't touch her anywhere in private sacred areas. Massage her hands and arms with a very gentle pressure and then ask if she would like the pressure deeper. Massage her with long deep strokes on long muscles; such as the legs, arms, and back. Massage her back like you would a baby at first, and then give her all your passion and love through your touch.
Don't ever expect to have sex with her, or that you are going to be able to touch her in her special sexual areas. You must go into this practice without expectations that anything sexual is ever going to happen. A woman needs to know she is loved. She needs to feel safe, respected and honored before she can open up to you. Some women already feel a strong opening to their partner, but it is rare that they'll want to dive right in, and most women need the extended fore-play, cuddling, nurturing and massage practices before going any further in the bedroom.
If you are intoxicated, or stressed, or frantic about something other than your being loving to this woman, do not try to pursue pleasuring her. You'll need to take care of your own stresses first. If you are not on a spiritual path, or doing anything to relax your nerves, you might want to seek out ways of doing so.
And, as a grand finale, once she has been given the love she has been waiting for, the respect and admiration she deserves, and the honoring or her needs and desires, she will give you everything you've ever wanted in the bedroom and SOOO much more! It will be like falling in love again, and she'll ravage you and pleasure your every desire just like she did when you were first dating!
See also at http://hubpages.com/hub/Sex_IntimacyCoaching
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Striving For Impeccability with a Toddler on the Loose
What would be most ideal, would be to have a nanny or homeschooling situation set up for my child to be taken care of by other adults besides his own parents, so that my baby's father and I could work a little more than 3 days a week, and for myself to have an assistant to handle the office work, administrative work, advertising, marketing, answering phone calls, checking messages and getting back to people, replying to all emails, scheduling appointments, updating my blogs, and sites. I spend the majority of time doing these tasks when I am alone; all of three days a week to myself - - to do the details above, and the remainder of my time in session or having some R&R for myself.
I would love to have someone who I could work with to do these things, and then I could spend the rest of my time, focusing on writing my book, creating videos, teaching classes, getting new professional photos done and being in session.
It is fascinating that I get a lot of calls on days that I have listed as unavailable on my site, when my toddler is running around screaming in my apartment, or when I am out running errands, or taking him with me to explore the world through his eyes. I realize that sometimes I do need to answer the phone even when I have him, but it is not always easy to be available for conversation in that moment, and so I often ask you to call back and leave a message for me so I can get back to you when I am alone or when he is asleep.
Many of you who feel as though calling me is a risk, which is really just a belief you are carrying, won't call again. But then there are those loving and spiritual clients who do honor their word, call and leave a message or continue to try to get a hold of me to connect. I am always thankful for those clients and often feel, that even though I have no shows, or cancellations, or clients who are not true to what they tell me, that those who are truly loving, honest and really want to work with me, are much worth the wait!
I love doing this work, and will continue doing so, and even though it is challenging to be impeccable to every person, I am still here, and know that the young years of my toddler is precious, and well worth the commitment to giving him all the love I possibly could. And, in the end, the beauty and love of this work remains and another year or two I will probably be much more available to you.
It is you who allows me to keep doing this work; for without you I would have to change careers to help me pay all those bills that is a reality to living in the material world. I am always appreciative of extra donations, and support - - being a single mom, with three days a week to cover everything I need, is quite a risk and challenge, but so worth it!
Asttarte Deva
Friday, October 09, 2009
Sisterhood of Goddesses & Tantra Play Party
Welcome to my world of Tantra!!!!!!!!!
I am now home from the insanely awesome and beautiful Tantra Conference
Dakinis/ Sacred Sexual Healers. This event is like getting a Tantra Session one after the next and after the next back to back for three days in a row!!!! It is quite extraordin
Reid (Famous Sex Educator), Betty Dodson (sexual pioneer), Carlin Ross, & Barbara Carellas w/Urban Tantra, all opening their new dildos and gifts for presenting!
I got to be held and loved over and over, cuddled, embraced, honored, respected, and valued not only as a woman, but as a Goddess! 5 people from the community all turned to me and said, "your pictures DO NOT do you justice. You are gorgeous! You have got to get new photos. And, I guess I didn't put a whole lot of emphasis on this, so one of my next projects is to seriously get new photos. I am totally different than I was before having a baby, and in my opinion, have never looked better. I grew up feeling inadequate, insecure, and ugly, and as I grow more and more into myself as a woman, am seeing that my beauty gets stronger as the years go by. Some people are good looking when they are young, and some grow into their beauty as they age. I suppose, I am the second version. I almost gasped, but someone, a Goddess who is in this field as I am, said I looked like Cindy Crawford, so I guess it is time to get the acknowledgment I need and deserve, by getting new photos and finding new lovers to meet me in my love and come back to give you all the healing you deeply long for and desire! This is the photo I felt I could relate to in similarity. but you all would have to be the judge for that.

That's me in the middle with my little one on the left and sweet Goddess friend on the right. (no makeup and just a random photo).
Clarifying Juicy from Gentle

There are some of you who have been followers of my writing and work for some time, and others who are just meeting me for the first time.
I made a decision recently to separate my work as a Spiritual Healer, Yoga Teacher, Shiatsu Massage Therapist & Emotional Release techniques to a new site that is completely separate from this one. My BeingInBliss site was intended to be a Spiritual site, however, most who found me there, still wanted my tantra teachings and healings. Perhaps it is not possible to separate the two worlds, however, in this new awareness, I am attempting.
Everything that was on the BeingInBliss site still exists, however, I am forwarding BeingInBliss now to DanceWithBliss and AwakenToLiving since it was very rare that true spiritual seekers found me there. Those who find me and ARE interested in Spiritual Healing, now can feel safe and trust that that is what I will offer, and those who find me through BeingInBliss or DanceWithBliss, SensualEducator, GoddessOfLove and AwakenToLiving, will know they all end up back to the same place - --my portal Tantra site and my private coaching Tantra site. These two worlds are now separated and I will incorporate the Spiritual Healing I originally had on BeingInBliss now to the Tantra site. However, since the majority of you only wanted Tantra, the image and vibration of the two sites needs to be separated. At some point, I may bring these two worlds back together, however, now these two worlds are separated.
Like someone said a couple weeks ago, it is not easy to tell someone who is an Interfaith Minister the same things you would say to a Goddess Tantra Healer. And, I agreed. The worlds are quite opposite, however, in Tantra, nothing gets left out and the more skills you have, the more there is to offer. And, thus, I will be adding some of these gifts to the Tantra site, but keeping it focused to one page, with parts on other pages, rather than 10 pages of deep details as I had before.
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Last Online Exposure before leaving to NY
Because I am a mom and mostly do my job of being a mom alone, there are few times where I can take off more than a day or so to take care of myself, and because I was given the opportunity to be fully supported to leave and know that my son will be completely taken care of, I know I am can go away and have an amazing weekend!
I will be leaving today, Thursday Oct. 1st and returning Monday afternoon, Oct. 5th and back to work on Tuesday the 6th!
*******If you are interested in finding out about this weekend and why it is going to be so amazing, check out my beloved Baba Dez's site at www.sedonatemple.com and click on Daka/Dakini Conference East! **********
*** Also, if anyone is interested in becoming Administrator for the Online Tantra Community site at EastCoastTantra, please let me know!!!! I am totally willing to give this project to others and share the role in leading and helping the East Coast at large! The East Coast is ready for change, and the change must start with us!
*** Another thing, if you are interested in coming to my first Hugging Power class (party really), please call me and I'll add you to my list of attendants. I still need confirmation on a space, but I am hoping to have the 1st class before the end of Oct! You can go to www.HuggingPower.com or www.AsttarteDeva.com for more information on the class. And, any ideas on making DanceWithBliss or Hugging Power more professional, I'm open to support there as well. Hugging Power is going to be a project where it is not about me and my work, but something I intend to teach others so there can be other teachers as well!
Much, Much love to all of you,
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Clearing The Energy Body
There are many tools and paths to clearing the energy body, but what's most important is that you use the tools available. Most don't know the value of clearing the energy body, let alone, how one goes about doing it. Clearing the Energy Body, is a celebration and a renewal to the real self that is sitting and waiting for you to awaken.
Many practices mentioned on this website are excellent ways of clearing the energy body; such as chakra clearing and balancing, IET, all types of Reiki, and energy healing, meditation, and breathwork. Other tools are emotional release work, massage therapy, and yoga.
When one clears the energy body, they can connect to the wave of bliss waiting inside themselves and as the outside awakens to the inside, the inside then merges back out again with the outside. The energy of the entire person then flows in a spiral from the internal to the external; the physical body, to the energetic body, the feeling of touch to the skin, to the senses of ones energy and auric field all around them. The whole person then experiences a wave of bliss and love and a connection to all that is, is achieved.
Our Energy Bodies
Everyone's energy body is speaking a different language. We are all at different vibrations radiating different levels of frequency and energy that goes out into the universe and the universe, or others, respond accordingly. All people on the planet are attracted to other based on their energy body. They energy body speaks many languages. We are all carrying certain energies that match our beliefs, our history, our traumas, our desires and our fears. Most people on the planet are intuitive; some more so than others. However, the more open our energy body's are to positive and healthy vibrations, the more we will attract positive and healthy individuals in our lives. Often as we expand and heal, others close to us will as well. And those who do not, that we cherish and love, who stay stagnant, sometimes will be left behind as our energies will then travel on different passages since the attraction and compatibility changes.
To achieve a state of bliss, you must be ready - emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. When you can learn to expand your spiritual body, cleansing it, purifying it, then your physical body will be ready to move on to gaining access to the bliss that awaits you underneath the (what I like to call) energetic clutter. All levels of your being are important, and before you can awaken your kundalini power; to your tantric and blissful essence, your spiritual body must be ready to achieve it.
The Spirit of Bliss
you have to clear the muck that's in the way!
We are all Spiritual beings living in a physical body. Our spiritual body is mostly unknown to people on the planet; except those who are conscious and on the path. It is my pleasure and joy to work with those who are on the path, and to those who are not, to learn the power and value in getting started.
I offer you many techniques and practices on this website that took me many years to learn and practice, and many more to master. It is the utmost importance to allow the spirit to be of a significant factor in your journey of reflection, your recovery to healing, your awakening to the divine, and your passionate desire to connect to others.
Bliss is not something that can be achieved through simple pleasures of the ego, the mind or the body. Bliss is achieved through connecting to something much bigger than we all are - the metaphysical, transcendental, ethereal and energetic part of ourselves that lies not only inside of us, but all around us. Achieving bliss is a state of mind through conscious efforts in connecting to our spiritual selves.
Bliss can be achieved through the body, but there are always energetic blocks that keep us from fully expanding and opening into a higher vibration that our divine being is craving for us to embrace. When we can merge the physical body with the spiritual body, we can then achieve a full body state of ecstatic bliss.
Increasing Your Vibrational Frequency
Perhaps you are unfamiliar with this terminology, however, as a Reiki Master Teacher, Yoga Teacher, IET Advanced Healer, Frequency Balancing Practitioner, Axiotonal Alignment Practitioner and igili Angel Healer, there is no way I can avoid telling you the power of increasing your vibration, or offering to teach it. Even more, I cannot possibly ignore that I have this wealth of knowledge to offer you, and sit back sharing nothing and keeping it hidden. That would be selfish of me. This information is like a goldmine of abundance of bliss and peacefulness that can be harnessed and created from within your own body vehicle, and I will do everything I can to share this information with my clients, offer you these practices to achieve these states of bliss and peacefulness and continue to show you my love by accepting where you are in your journey. Please don't pass up the opportunity to receive a Healing Session from me. I know you all love Tantra and want to experience the benefits of increased pleasure, but without the increase of your vibration, you'll never know what you are missing.
Increasing your vibrational frequency is increasing your access to the divine and your ability to be truly present in the moment. It is removing the weight around your body and gaining access to the light being that you were born into on this planet. It is a way to connect to your soul and your angelic nature. It is when you feel at one with all things and all of life. It is your natural self, free of all limitations, purified of your ego, your needs and desires, and your innocent gentleness returning to you. It is when your physical body and your spiritual body intertwine and you feel weightless to life and there is no separation between your body and the space all around you. It is truly a living experience of bliss in your body now!
Please see SacredPathofTantra.com and try one of my Energy Healing Sessions as soon as you can. You've never experienced anything like it. My personal favorites: IET, Frequency Balancing, Tera-Mei Seichem Reiki and Axiotonal Alignments. You also may love the energetic bodywork of Jin Shin Do and Shiatsu. But in order to truly appreciate these types of sessions, you'll have to come with no expectations, knowing these are non-tantra sessions, and expect nothing but an increase in your energy vibration, your overall health and well being and deeper peace within yourself. We will get to the Tantra Session, either later in the session, or at a time that feels right. The end result is you'll start opening your energy channels and bring in a higher vibration of love.
I Just Want to Escape From My life, and have a Sensual Experience. I don't want to have to do any work.
The Cross Between Spirituality and Sexuality
I Understand You Think It's Important to cleanse my energy, but I still just don't get it
When you go on vacation and get away from your problems you can feel the opening and peacefulness all around you. When you surround yourself around others who take your mind off of your stresses, you can forget the problem, but the problem is still there waiting for you to return to. One tiny little memory can take you back to the exact thing that you are totally frustrated or unhappy with, and the weight of stress sits right back on your shoulders again.
It is not easy to cleanse one's spiritual body, especially in a private 2 hour session, however, getting started is most important. Even giving it one hour to cleanse yourself, and one hour to work on the area of your desire is better than not doing it at all. Honestly, I don't want to work with others where their priority is not to evolve their spiritual bodies or awaken their consciousness on a higher level. However, if they are willing to have an open mind and learn, I am open to working with them.
The Importance of The Spirit Body Connection
Most people just accept life as it happens, and choose to move on ignoring the event that happened to us. Then all of a sudden, you are caught in a trap of a cycle that eludes you and takes control over your life. An example is: you and your wife argue all the time. You come to disagreements in almost every conversation. You haven't gotten to the bottom of why these arguments happen and both people feel unloved, unappreciated, unaccepted and invalidated as a person. Then your hormones increase and you want to make love, but your wife is uninterested because of all the arguments you had, or you are no longer turned on because you are tired of fighting. Then nothing gets accomplished and neither persons needs are met. The relationship becomes stagnant and distant. Another example is: you are working at a job where you give up your life to take care of others. You end up, in a sense, giving up yourself and ultimately giving up your identity. You start out by being exhausted all the time. You have no time for a social life because all you want to do is rest when you are alone. Your children never see you. Your husband or wife starts getting used to you never being around, and you loose the connection you worked so hard to achieve. Eventually you start getting other symptoms that could lead to a heart attack, a stroke, a nervous breakdown, migraines, or worse a form of cancer.
There are many examples I could use, however, the point is that we all carry energy from our past, be it an hour before, a week before, or a month before. And the most powerful way of creating a sacred connection with the one you love, or your tantra practitioner, is to either cleanse your energy before coming to the session, or doing a form of cleansing ritual while you are in session before getting started in the Tantra or Sexual Healing work. The connection is much more powerful when both people are clear of anything in the past, and even more so when they are both in a high vibration of spiritual love. When there is a repeated pattern of separation in a relationship, it is best to seek therapy, as well as do the energy clearing before connecting to making love, but the connection is stronger the more you can be rid of what happened from the past. Being in the moment truly means being free of anything that's keeping you, your mind or your body out of the present moment.
The best ways to cleanse ones energy is through meditation, energy clearing practices, any other forms of energy healing, yoga, acupuncture, and many others. If you are interested in a more Spiritual & Psycho-therapeutic form of healing not mentioned on this site, please contact me and we will discuss options. These sessions are not tantric and have no intention other than your health, wellness, energy balancing and psychological growth.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Exciting Music
I'm excited to share this with you. Commonground started off of the base of an amazing community out in Los Angeles, Ca called Agape (Love). www.agapelive.com
This is not the complete version, but I am so excited they got a copy of this! Awesome!
Blessings All!
Find more videos like this on Common Ground
Interfaith Ministry & Tantra
First let me tell you why there is a blog titled Interfaith Ministry on here.
When I began the path as a Healer, it started from somewhere. That somewhere was considered my beginning, and when I first began the journey of awakening, healing, and expanding my consciousness, I dove head first.
I had undertaken a journey of self development and used my intuition to guide me in every direction I pursued. There was no intellectual thought behind my decisions. They were all based on spirit. And as I let spirit lead me, I also was lead into a world based solely on spirit.
I have a huge list on my AsttarteDeva.com website with words of credentials most of you probably have never heard of, and some I am honored that you do. These are different modalities into the realms of spirit. I am grateful to have access to this higher power, and as my journey began I was so enriched by the connection to spirit I developed that I had decided to take on a commitment to this level of my development by claiming myself and initiating myself as an Interfaith Minister.
Many of you who know me as a Sacred Sexual Healer, or who have seen my tantra websites may not understand this, nor understand the connection between the two. However, the connection is great. There is no distinction as a Dakini and Sacred Sexual Healer in the Tantric Arts. Healing is Healing and it can encompass any level of healing that is needed in any particular moment.
As an Interfaith Minister, I am able to perform hands on healing, call in the spirit realm and request healing from the angels around us, and offer prayer treatment as guidance moves through me. At one time I thought I had wanted to be a traditional minister and offer services such as weddings, funerals and baptisms, however, this is not my calling at this time. I do love the training the ministry offered me back in 2001 and the acknowledgment into the connection with all the interfaith minister friends I have through Commonground, Center of Peace and other Spiritual non-religious communities I am a part of.
To make a statement that I am actually ordained is quite a big deal for me. This is my affirmation to the universe that those who come to me and those who cross my path see me as a being of light, a being of love and take me and my work seriously. As I offer you healing upon your request, be it Yoga, Meditation, Psychotherapy, Energy Healing or Tantra Services, know that I am coming with high intentions for your growth, your healing and transformation and will do everything I can to leave you walking out feeling fulfilled on every level emotionally, spiritually,and physically.
May you all be transformed and may you all be filled with love!
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Spiritual ~ New Age ~ Health ~ Therapy

Blessings & Blessed Be!
I offer a spectrum and menu of services ranging from the simplest of: (top)
Tarot Readings
Angel Readings
Energy Scanning
Chakra Balancing
Intuitive Guidance
Prayer Treatment
& other forms of Energy Healing
To: (middle)
Yin Yoga
Deep Transformational Breathwork
Shamanic Psychotherapy
Acupressure, Shiatsu & Thai Massage
All the way to: (bottom)
Relationship Counseling
Past Life Healing
Tantra Yoga Breathing Practices
Sacred Sexual Healing
Intimacy Therapy
& Intimacy Coaching
You can request a powerful Spiritual Healing Session from the top, a bodywork or bodymind session in the middle, to a deep and powerful session at the bottom.
Many techniques can be incorporated together!
The choice is yours. The possibilities are limitless!
The top and middle services can be found at www.AsttarteDeva.com
The services at the bottom are found throughout the site!
Om Shanti Shakti, Namaste & Blessed Be!
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Sexual Power
To be totally free in my sexuality is still a quest I am working towards. To be free in speech with all of my lovers of my interactions with them will be a reward I am deeply looking forward to. The ability to be free in our communication with those we love is the exact location where we receive our power. When we are out of integrity with ourselves about our actions or desires of our actions with those we deeply care for, there is a definite leakage in our energy field that could be fully embodied when we were free to communicate all of our affairs with one another.
However, there is also a correlation to having a need to speak with those we love and feeling safe, feeling as though they will still love us and gaining an approval from someone outside of ourselves. If there has been an agreement to be open, then the openness is granted. There is no further need to express other than this. Although, when both people in a couple, or all people in a love affair can share openly about their feelings of love for each other and their love for others, it creates a depth of intimacy not normally experienced in this culture. We have all been raised to be monogamous, and to share our love with only one lover; our husband or wife, however, to keep our power, to shine in our love for many is the ultimate journey for realization, full self expression and vibrancy in oneself.
There are many fears that our culture has around this idea, as well as fears we each have individually. When we can shine in our fullness, and still love deeply those we cherish and adore, this is when we can truly shine and vibrate the passionate presence of love in our hearts. This is when we can ultimately achieve the sexual power we all are longing for.
I wish you love and liberation on your journey!
Energetic Alignment in Relationships
I know through experience what it feels like for someone to take their love away from you. The pain of breaking an interaction or a wall being built from someone you loved so deeply and connected with so deeply, and choosing to walk away just as quickly, is one of the most painful challenges we will all face as humans. But a human also who is here to evolve, grow and transform their mind and body into a human of pure light, knows that the dark needs from insecurity and fear will only wear you down and deplete your energy, from a feeling of lack, of looking outside, instead of within. Looking for your needs to be filled outside yourself will only continue the quest of looking for those needs to be filled outside yourself.
It is time now to take your power back, and own the lack of integrity you are placing on others as your own responsibility. You are the only person who can give you all of your energy, and anywhere it is lacking is only a lack in your own soul.
Take all the space you need. Separate from others and run or walk away from this pain, but it can also be interpreted as an avoidance to your own pain. All the other wants to do is love you, but your neglect in facing the issue that is deeply wanting to be released from yourself, will only force you to face the pattern within yourself again later. Perhaps now you are not ready to look at yourself, but sooner or later you might have to.
Hoping and wishing for an answer, is never the solution. Doing the work, the hard work, is the only solution to completion, to internal transformation, an inner knowing and love. Your loved ones are just being themselves, but your response, reaction and interaction is where you hold the power. When you can allow others to be who they are, and love them just the same, love will always remain. When there is blame, need or expectation from someone that is outside yourself, you are only setting yourself up for failure. The only result is upset. Often times the upset from others is the mirror to your own upset inside yourself. When you can truly love yourself and be with all of who you are, loving others becomes simple. The task can be removed and all that is left is bliss, love and joy.
Many people look for the easy way out, but the easy way out only brings more of the same things you will have to go through again and time again. The rewards of doing the work are worth the effort, and you only have you to be proud of in the end. No one else gets the benefits. No one else gets the reward; only you.
The imbalance in relationships starts in the self. And since the imbalance starts in you, it is only you who can change it. Love just is. Anything that doesn’t look like love is only fear trying to heal.
To be continued....
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Voicing Your Truth

Do you often have trouble telling your partner how you really feel? Do you find it frustrating knowing that you are keeping things hidden from the one you love? Would you rather create the depth of intimacy that true honesty creates in a relationship?
I often find that my lovers have a difficult time hearing the truth. Either they are not ready to hear what I have to share, or they are completely numb to their feelings in the first place that anything that makes them feel is too strong of an outside force almost prompting them to go inside to their hidden cave, where they would rather not know anything at all.
More often than not, it is men who have a hard time with feelings. Women on the other hand are masters of it. Men are like the rock, the intellectual experts, the scientists, the thinkers who have strong opinions about what they think and are compelled to find solutions through their thoughts. Women on the other hand are like the flower, they are the softness, the feminine water running down stream. They are adaptable and can change form to fit their surroundings. Women are the mothers, the lovers, the compassionate innocence and hold the key for love that we are desire. Finding a balance between the masculine and feminine energies within ourselves is what we need and what will ultimately allow us to be the voice to our hearts.
It is like the innocent child who screams when he gets mad, or cries when his feelings are hurt. Children are our greatest teachers in getting to our deepest feelings. As adults, we've become numb to the temptations of allowing ourselves to surrender to that foreign territory, that as children it was second nature. So my recommendation is to scream when you are mad, cry when you are sad, and take rest always when you need it. Don't ever hold anything inside.
Learn from your children, and let them teach you how to feel. There is no depth in our closest relationships without it.
Recommended Books:

Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
The Miracle of Patience, Kindness & Love
After coming home from the Divine Goddess Ma named Amritanandamayi Ma; in other words, Amma, I am glowing in love, appreciation and bliss for the heavenly divine experience. I realize that my efforts as a Radiant Shakti Goddess go much deeper than the mere presence of Sexual Healing, or Loving Healing energy, but my desire for love is great, and deeper than words can say.
I have spent the past 8 months being single, and living out the life of healing from grief of my Beloved walking his own path, and coming to the final place of acceptance, forgiveness and eventually an amazing friendship that reunited after having done my work on myself in allowing him to be in the place he needed to be on his journey - - letting him go the way he needed by releasing the pain at first, coming to acceptance, then forgiving him, and then ultimately creating an awesome relationship as his ex-girlfriend to a new place we are now in.
I had invited him with me and our son to see Amma, the saint from India, who heals people by hugging them. I brought my younger brother along as well. I had done a prayer two weeks ago, shortly before the Amma experience in DC, and I was in a place of the unknown, however, acceptance and love in my heart. I had been patient in allowing him his space, offering kindness as much as possible, and kept my heart open to whatever would occur. Through this, his love returned. We saw Amma as a family, and received Darshan as a family unit when we first arrived, then the next day individually, however, Sach going back and forth between the two of us, and then as a family again in the end. We received a compatibility reading to see if we were meant to be friends or eventually unite in marriage at some point in the future. The reading showed definite compatibility and hope.
I had been dating others and keeping myself open, as he knows this is my desire to continue doing so to stay juicy and vibrant, however, I realized through this trip the reason for his parting back in November and now with my understanding, I can love him and support him so much more.
Two books I was reading during our separation were:
how to improve your marriage without talking about it
How One of You Can Bring the Two of You Together.
I highly recommend these two books, especially if any of you are not connecting to your wives or husbands at the level you truly desire, these books I am putting as the top on my list, and as much as all of the tantra books are exceptional and up there, these two so far are my absolute favorites. I have living proof of their results!
Blessings to all and so much love!
Friday, June 19, 2009
The Breath to Stay IN the Body
Often when someone is receiving a massage, it is not the massage that is completely relaxing them, it is the massage that creates a stimulation in the body to remind the person to come into the body and to take deeper breaths. Ultimately, from taking these deeper breaths, this then is what causes the person to be able to have a fully relaxing and blissful experience during the massage. However, some people who receive massage, may have the most skilled and advanced practitioner working on them, but when they do not breathe properly, are holding their breath, or are not guided in breathing deeply when they may need to, their experience can be rather dull and they may think it's the practitioner who was not very good, when in fact it was in their own creation of not using their breath to its maximum potential.
When I work in Session with my private clients, I often remind my client to breath deeply. The breath can be a means of escaping the body. Many times when someone is holding their breath, forgets to breath, or falls fast into a deep relaxation when we are doing powerful breathing exercises to raise the Kundalini, or to allow for a deeper sensation of pleasure, this means that there is something blocking the person from going deeper into the practice. When someone slips away from the breath, it is often a slipping away and out of the body as well. This happens when there is a deep emotion, or issue that is ready to come to the surface and wants to be released, but the individual does not know how to deal with it, and instead reacts by suppressing it further and pushing it down, by not breathing or breathing shallow.
By escaping their own body, they are also escaping the fear or pain of what wants to come up to be released, energetically moved or cleared for them. This fear or pain often is unknown of. It doesn't necessarily need to be something you even know what it is, but when a numbness in the body, or detachment from the body by slipping into shallow breathing happens, this is the exact time you need to be conscious of your breath and begin to breath with more awareness and attention to actively breathe deeper.
Why is being in the body something you want to work towards? Because you will then get to release the block in your vibration, your mind, your emotions and your entire energetic system, and this then will allow you to move into deeper presence in your own body, experiencing pleasure, sensations that you could not even feel before, and an opening in your heart and the ability to love others and receive others more deeply. Doesn't everyone want to feel more of what they are capable of? Why not let go of what is keeping you from experiencing bliss and allow the breath to be your tool to access it!!!
This is what I teach in my private Sessions. Why not try it for yourself. Come check out my sites at
AsttarteDeva.com and SexBlissLifeCoach.com
Monday, June 01, 2009
Temporary Emergency Number
If you can't get a hold of me on my normal line, please try 610-707-2326 until my regular number comes back on.
Thank you for understanding!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
The Energy Around The Body
There is a direct connection to embracing in love as there is in one's energy field being pure, cleansed and sacred. When one has an energy field of pure essence, the divine connection of union can be then manifest into a warm deep embrace of love. It is not only I who needs to have pure and clear energy, but it is also you. As your energy is purified, and mine is clear, the deep utter embrace of intimate healing of love happens. I only open my physical body temple to the level of openness you have in yours.
Cleansing one's energy field can either be an easy task, or may be necessary to spend a larger amount of time nurturing. If you are generally living a stress free life, and are mostly happy, than cleansing your energy field is an easy job. However, if you are extremely stressed, carrying weight on your shoulders from your marriage, your partnership, other relationships or work, then it may take more work to develop the sacred union of intimacy through tantric touch, intimacy healing and sexual healing that you may perhaps be pursuing. I may do a brief energy scan on your body as you enter into my Healing Temple, however, if you are dealing with larger psychological issues then we may need to go deeper, and spend more time on the layers of clouds that are living around your body.
An energy field is like a dirty diamond that once washed can shine to its purist beauty. And, as humans living in physical form, we are like sponges that take on layers of stress in our daily lives, and until that stress is removed it will linger around your body waiting to be purified and released.
Om Namah Shivaya
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Amazing Sex & Relationship Educator - Reid Mihalko

To all of you who have known me for some time, I am sure it is always nice to get referrals to other Tantra Practitioners and teachers of who I highly recommend. Well, this teacher is one not to miss. This is a man of power, and if you need a little boost to your love life, or your relationship to your loved one, or your relationship to yourself, I highly suggest acting on this now! Reid is recently co-authoring with another amazing Dakini and friend of mine, Kamala Devi (www.partnerplayshop.com) and he is one of the top Tantra Coaches of our time! He will also be teaching in San Francisco, but most of you who know me stay pretty local. If you are traveling and want to see him, please let me know and I'll get the two of you in touch! see info below!
Blessings and Love, Asttarte
Sex and Relationship Educator, Co-creator of Cuddle Party and Speed-Flirting
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Psychic Sexual Healer
Examples: If you have a headache, often I will feel a pulsing sensation in my head on or close to the area of your headache, or if you have a broken heart, I may feel a tingling sensation in my own heart, or if your legs are tight and cramping, I may feel a heavy weight and pressure on my legs while I am sitting close to you.
Before embarking on this intense path of tantra and sacred sexual healing, my focus was only on the intuitive healing side of this new age phenomenon of healing. However, I have chosen to open myself up to the more vulnerable energies of sexuality, and in this there are risks.
The risks of being in this work, as a Healer, is that I become a sponge and take on other people stresses, just by them being in my presence. I don't have to do anything. I just sit with you, be with you, and can sense where your stress is, where your pain is, where your body is hurting, if your heart is hurting, if you have a headache, if your legs are cramping, if you are uncomfortable, and if you are going through turmoil in your personal life, or have had trauma in the past. I can even feel if you are anxious, stressed, or nervous being in my presence. However, the advantages of this is that I move into your space at the level I feel you are ready, and do not push you into doing anything you are not comfortable with. And also, will protect my space if I sense you are trying to dive into mine too quickly.
The point of all of this is that being an empath, and taking on others stresses and pains, I have to cleanse my energy quite often so that I can be a clear vessel of light, love and healing for the next person. I also cannot open myself up at the level some of you may want me to right away, because I feel where you are shut down, and guarded, and your ego or personality is perhaps trying to push through the stress you are feeling and unintentionally pretend it does not exist by releasing sexual tension.
I can only open as much as you are open, and if you are carrying pain or are armored, the best thing I can do for you is to help you open up where you are guarded so I can then get to the point of your intention in working with me, in a tantric and full body expansion of love and bliss. However, that love and bliss cannot be experienced until the weight on your shoulders and the energy imbalances and blocks are removed and cleansed away.
This involves tantric energy clearing practices, emotional release work, chakra balancing or other energy clearing practices I offer on beinginbliss, breathing and being present to the blocked energy, getting in touch with the pain or block you are feeling, and in a sense letting it breathe so it can release and move on. These practices can be done while in the presence of receiving a tantra session, or can be done on their own.
The more open, expansive, and connected you are to the divine and living a spiritual life, the deeper of a connection I can create with you, and hence, the more I will be able to support you and help you in your desires.
With love, light, and awareness!
Asttarte Shanti Shakti Bliss